Sunday, September 22, 2019

English skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

English skills - Essay Example â€Å"Quality in Higher Education â€Å" have a high impact factor. Nevertheless, since it was a qualitative research, there always exists likelihood of slightly inaccurate interpretation of responses of the research participants. This article is primarily about internationalization. While the writers have objectively declared how they understand internationalization i.e. a process that requires sustained effort causing intensification of the relationships among different cultures, yet this definition remains a personal opinion since the writers have not cited a reference for it. Contrary to that, most ideas in the text are supported with evidence. Examples of such ideas include globalization and cultural intelligence. The article was written in the year 2009. It can be considered recent since it was written only about four years ago. The content of the text is very relevant and up-to-date with the contemporary thinking. Most organizations today tend to give international exposure to their employees by making them expatriates. Cultural intelligence and international experience are two of the most appreciated qualities about the candidates for any kind of job today. The writers have fairly complied with all the rules, guidelines and expectations concerning the language, style, structure, referencing and vocabulary that those producing material at University level are expected to follow. The text has a flow of ideas with smooth transition from one to another. The ideas are arranged in the form of points. Sections and headings help the reader understand what a paragraph entails and keep track of the

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