Monday, September 30, 2019

Missionary Farewell Talk

If you’d have told me a year ago that I’d be standing here in front of you talking about going on a mission, I’d have laughed at you. Well, here I am. It has been a long and interesting journey in getting me here today, but, as a popular Kenny Chesney song professes â€Å"The laughs, the smiles, the trials, the tears, it’s hard to hate what got me here. † Well, I’m here and am very excited to move on to this next chapter in my life. I’d be a fool to think that the coming years, though filled with joy and enlightenment, won’t bring with them my fair share of hard times and adversity.I think the most frightening part of everything leading up to my mission lies in the fact that I’m not exactly sure when those hard times will present themselves, nor how they will present themselves. Joseph B. Wirthlin once compared life to running a marathon. At some point in the marathon of life, we will all â€Å"hit the wall,† which Elder Wirthlin defined as â€Å"feeling a sudden urge to quit, encountering an almost tangible barrier that requires a tremendous effort to overcome. Farewell to Manzanar, written by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, Japanese American, and James D. Houston. The harsh reality of life is that we will all hit at least one of these walls at some point in our lives. So what will each of us do when we stand at the base of our own personal walls? Will we rise to the occasion and break through? Or will we crumble in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds? What we do when we get to these proverbial walls is what will ultimately define us as people. Being one who enjoys the study of history, I have often looked to those who have come before me to find the strength I need to press on. I think about those who have been disowned by their own families because of personal beliefs, the pioneers that crossed the plains despite the harshest of conditions, those families who have ever sent a loved one overseas in support of the freedom we all hold so dear, and the horrible persecutions suffered by those early members of the church. After remembering them I think to myself, â€Å"Do I really have it all that bad? † In sections 121, 122, and 123 of the Doctrine and Covenants, it highlights the revelations given to Joseph Smith as he was incarcerated at Liberty Jail. It was one of the coldest winters on record in Missouri and they weren’t given blankets sufficient enough to keep them warm. Their food was often dirty and unclean, sometimes even poisoned. Even Joseph himself spoke of the jail as a â€Å"hell surrounded by demons. † I doubt most of us here will ever have to endure something as extreme as those suffered by the Prophet Joseph and his companions during the winter of 1838-1839. The best example we should all look to when faced with trying times, however, is that of our Savior Jesus Christ. So great was his suffering that he bled from every pore in Gethsemane. Later, a crown of thorns was placed upon his head and he was severely scourged. So extreme were the events leading up to the actual crucifixion that he couldn’t even carry his own cross to Calgary, as was customary. In my studies, I’ve come across literature that discusses in detail the medical aspect associated with crucifixion. Crucifixion was arguably the cruelest form of punishment ever devised by man. To sum it all up, those who were crucified suffered through an unequivocal amount of pain. Where do you think the word excruciating comes from? So, I ask again, is it really that bad? The answer is NO. â€Å"The Son of Man hath descended below them all,† (D&C 122: 8) and nobody that has ever lived or ever will live has suffered as much as He did. No matter what this life throws at us, we can all find comfort in knowing that there is always someone who knows exactly how we feel, because Christ suffered for all of that so that we could one day stand before God and live with Him again. Some will always ask â€Å"Why me? † when troubling times come upon them. It is important to remember that just because trials and tribulations are heaped upon us, it doesn’t mean we have somehow strayed from the straight and narrow path. All of the prophets have faced some sort of persecution in their lives. Jesus Christ suffered more than any other being that has ever lived, even though he was the most worthy individual to have ever walked upon the face of this earth. All of the troubles are simply trials of our faith, and God will never, ever, put a trial before us that he knows we cannot overcome. He will always provide a way for us to rise above any trial or temptation that may come our way. A true test of our faith can only be measured if we use that faith during the times when things aren’t going according to plan. Back in Liberty Jail, the Lord tells Joseph that all of these trials are for our own benefit, saying â€Å"If thou art called to pass through tribulation†¦know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. † (D&C 122: 5, 7). In Jackson County, Missouri, the Lord tells Joseph that glory follows these trials, â€Å"For after much tribulation come the blessings†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (D&C 58: 3-4). Adversity exists in the world today to provide the much needed contrast that helps us to discern right from wrong, after all, â€Å"†¦it must be needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. † (2 Nephi 2: 11). If it weren’t for pain, we would feel no pleasure. If not for sadness, we could have no joy. We’ve all felt the great sense of accomplishment that accompanies the completion of a large project, even though these projects can be very stressful at times. If life weren’t hard from time to time, then the fruits of our labors would cease to be sweet. Elder Neal A. Maxwell once counseled that â€Å"Rather than passing through trials, we must allow trials to pass through us in ways that sanctify us. † It isn’t enough to merely experience trials, but we must go through them in such a way that we can learn from each individual experience so that we can grow closer to our Father in Heaven. I think it is most unfortunate when someone is going through an extended trial and the idea starts to creep into their mind that God no longer rests with them and has ceased to answer their prayers because He doesn’t love them anymore. We must always remember that God loves each of us unconditionally and will never abandon any of us. To reassure those who may have doubts, Jeffrey R. Holland provided these inspiring words, (Quote—Chariots of Fire). He will answer your prayers in His own due time. It truly pains Him to put each of us through our own trials, but we must remember that He doesn’t put us through them to punish us, He does it because He loves us and knows that this is the only way which we can grow to become like Him. When it is all said and done, God just wants us to be happy, for â€Å"†¦men are, that they might have joy. (2 Nephi 2: 25). President Monson once counseled that we must â€Å"†¦find joy in the journey†¦Ã¢â‚¬  of life. The Lord even counseled Joseph Smith of this as he was imprisoned in Liberty Jail, saying â€Å"Therefore†¦let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed. † (D&C 123: 17). Even during the darkest of times, the Lord still wants all of us to ultimately find happiness. The Lord promises everyone that if we will endure to the end, He will give us eternal life. A common misconception, though, is that enduring to the end means to simply â€Å"hang in there† when trials come our way. Elder Wirthlin sees it as being much more than that. Rather than simply suffering through life’s challenges, he sees it as a process in which we use these challenges to come unto Christ and become perfected in Him. If we remain faithful during our own dire circumstances and use them as learning experiences to become more Christ-like, God cannot deny you a spot with Him in the Celestial Kingdom.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (United States) In the U. S. , generally accepted accounting principles, commonly abbreviated as US GAAP or simply GAAP, are accounting rules used to prepare, present, and report financial statements for a wide variety of entities, including publicly-traded and privately-held companies, non-profit organizations, and governments. Generally GAAP includes local applicable Accounting Framework, related accounting law, rules and Accounting Standard.Similar to many other countries practicing under the common law system, the United States government does not directly set accounting standards, in the belief that the private sector has better knowledge and resources. US GAAP is not written in law, although the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that it be followed in financial reporting by publicly-traded companies. Currently, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is the highest authority in establishing generally accepte d accounting principles for public and private companies, as well as non-profit entities.For local and state governments, GAAP is determined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), which operates under a set of assumptions, principles, and constraints, different from those of standard private-sector GAAP. Financial reporting in federal government entities is regulated by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB). The US GAAP provisions differ somewhat from International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), though former SEC Chairman Chris Cox set out a timetable for all U. S. ompanies to drop GAAP by 2016, with the largest companies switching to IFRS as early as 2009 Basic objectives Financial reporting should provide information that is: †¢useful to present to potential investors and creditors and other users in making rational investment, credit, and other financial decisions. †¢helpful to present to potential investors and creditors and oth er users in assessing the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of prospective cash receipts. †¢about economic resources, the claims to those resources, and the changes in them. [edit] Basic conceptsTo achieve basic objectives and implement fundamental qualities GAAP has four basic assumptions, four basic principles, and four basic constraints. [edit] Assumptions †¢Accounting Entity: assumes that the business is separate from its owners or other businesses. Revenue and expense should be kept separate from personal expenses. †¢Going Concern: assumes that the business will be in operation indefinitely. This validates the methods of asset capitalization, depreciation, and amortization. Only when liquidation is certain this assumption is not applicable. †¢Monetary Unit principle: assumes a stable currency is going to be the unit of record.The FASB accepts the nominal value of the US Dollar as the monetary unit of record unadjusted for inflation. †¢The Time-period pri nciple implies that the economic activities of an enterprise can be divided into artificial time periods. [edit] Principles †¢Cost principle requires companies to account and report based on acquisition costs rather than fair market value for most assets and liabilities. This principle provides information that is reliable (removing opportunity to provide subjective and potentially biased market values), but not very relevant.Thus there is a trend to use fair values. Most debts and securities are now reported at market values. †¢Revenue principle requires companies to record when revenue is (1) realized or realizable and (2) earned, not when cash is received. This way of accounting is called accrual basis accounting. †¢Matching principle. Expenses have to be matched with revenues as long as it is reasonable to do so. Expenses are recognized not when the work is performed, or when a product is produced, but when the work or the product actually makes its contribution t o revenue.Only if no connection with revenue can be established, cost may be charged as expenses to the current period (e. g. office salaries and other administrative expenses). This principle allows greater evaluation of actual profitability and performance (shows how much was spent to earn revenue). Depreciation and Cost of Goods Sold are good examples of application of this principle. †¢Disclosure principle. Amount and kinds of information disclosed should be decided based on trade-off analysis as a larger amount of information costs more to prepare and use.Information disclosed should be enough to make a judgment while keeping costs reasonable. Information is presented in the main body of financial statements, in the notes or as supplementary information [edit] Constraints †¢Objectivity principle: the company financial statements provided by the accountants should be based on objective evidence. †¢Materiality principle: the significance of an item should be consid ered when it is reported. An item is considered significant when it would affect the decision of a reasonable individual. Consistency principle: It means that the company uses the same accounting principles and methods from year to year. †¢Prudence principle: when choosing between two solutions, the one that will be least likely to overstate assets and income should be picked (see convention of conservatism). Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UK) The Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in the UK, or UK GAAP, are the overall body of regulation establishing how company accounts must be prepared in the United Kingdom. This includes not only accounting standards, but also UK company law.What is referred to elsewhere as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles is in the UK referred to as Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. [edit] History Accounting standards derive from a number of sources. The chief standard-setter is the Accounting Standards Board (ASB), which issue s standards called Financial Reporting Standards (FRS). The ASB is part of the Financial Reporting Council, an independent regulator funded by a levy on listed companies[1], and it replaced the Accounting Standards Committee (ASC), which was disbanded in 1990 following a number of criticisms of its work.To the extent that the ASC's pronouncements, known as Statements of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAPs), have not been replaced by FRS, they remain in force. [edit] Creation/Revision of Standards The ASB has a formal exposure process for proposed standards. Early concepts are issued as Discussion Papers. These are released to the public and comments invited. Where a new standard is to be proposed, a Financial Reporting Exposure Draft (FRED) is released for comment. The standard in final form is only issued when comments have been incorporated or addressed.This aims to address the criticisms levelled at the ASC, whose comment process was less rigorous. Issues that require an immediat e solution are considered by the Urgent Issues Task Force (UITF). The UITF comprises a number of senior figures from industry and accounting firms. It meets as necessary to consider pressing issues and issues Abstracts which become binding immediately. [edit] Legislation The principal legislation governing reporting in the UK is laid down in the Companies Act 2006, which incorporates the requirements of European law.The Companies Act sets out certain minimum reporting requirements for companies and, for example, requires limited companies to file their accounts with the Registrar of Companies who makes them available to the general public. From 2005, this framework changed as a result of European law requiring that all listed European companies report under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). In the UK, companies which are not listed have the option to report either under IFRSs or under UK GAAP[2].Recently issued UK FRSs have, in any case replicated the wording of c orresponding IFRSs, reducing the differences between the two sets of standards significantly. China Accounting Standards From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Chinese Accounting Standards) Jump to: navigation, search Chinese accounting standards are the accounting rules used in Chinese state owned corporations in mainland China. They are currently being phased out in favour of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or International Accounting Standards.As of February 2010, the Chinese Accounting Standard Systems is composed of Basic Standard, 38 specific standards and Application Guidance. Chinese accounting standards are unique because they originated in a socialist period in which the state was the sole owner of industry. Therefore unlike Western accounting standards, they are less a tool of profit and loss and an inventory of assets available to a company. In contrast to a Western balance sheet, Chinese accounting standards do not include an accounting of the d ebts that a corporation holds, and are less suitable for management control than for accounting for tax purposes.This system of accounting is widely considered to be unsuitable for managing corporations in a market economy. As a result, Chinese corporations are gradually moving toward International Financial Reporting Standards. This has proven to be a massive undertaking. As a consequence Chinese companies who offer shares for sale in the United States used to be required to prepare three sets of statements, one using Chinese accounting standards (China GAAP), one using international standards (IFRS), and one using North American GAAP standards (US GAAP).However, since 2008 the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) allows foreign private issuers to use financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. [1] However, in recent years, The Finance Department of Chinese Government has issued new Chinese Accounting Standards which converge into IFRS and the similarity is alm ost 90-95%. The translation cost has been reduced greatly because of this measure Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (United States) In the U. S. , generally accepted accounting principles, commonly abbreviated as US GAAP or simply GAAP, are accounting rules used to prepare, present, and report financial statements for a wide variety of entities, including publicly-traded and privately-held companies, non-profit organizations, and governments. Generally GAAP includes local applicable Accounting Framework, related accounting law, rules and Accounting Standard.Similar to many other countries practicing under the common law system, the United States government does not directly set accounting standards, in the belief that the private sector has better knowledge and resources. US GAAP is not written in law, although the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that it be followed in financial reporting by publicly-traded companies. Currently, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is the highest authority in establishing generally accepte d accounting principles for public and private companies, as well as non-profit entities.For local and state governments, GAAP is determined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), which operates under a set of assumptions, principles, and constraints, different from those of standard private-sector GAAP. Financial reporting in federal government entities is regulated by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB). The US GAAP provisions differ somewhat from International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), though former SEC Chairman Chris Cox set out a timetable for all U. S. ompanies to drop GAAP by 2016, with the largest companies switching to IFRS as early as 2009 Basic objectives Financial reporting should provide information that is: †¢useful to present to potential investors and creditors and other users in making rational investment, credit, and other financial decisions. †¢helpful to present to potential investors and creditors and oth er users in assessing the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of prospective cash receipts. †¢about economic resources, the claims to those resources, and the changes in them. [edit] Basic conceptsTo achieve basic objectives and implement fundamental qualities GAAP has four basic assumptions, four basic principles, and four basic constraints. [edit] Assumptions †¢Accounting Entity: assumes that the business is separate from its owners or other businesses. Revenue and expense should be kept separate from personal expenses. †¢Going Concern: assumes that the business will be in operation indefinitely. This validates the methods of asset capitalization, depreciation, and amortization. Only when liquidation is certain this assumption is not applicable. †¢Monetary Unit principle: assumes a stable currency is going to be the unit of record.The FASB accepts the nominal value of the US Dollar as the monetary unit of record unadjusted for inflation. †¢The Time-period pri nciple implies that the economic activities of an enterprise can be divided into artificial time periods. [edit] Principles †¢Cost principle requires companies to account and report based on acquisition costs rather than fair market value for most assets and liabilities. This principle provides information that is reliable (removing opportunity to provide subjective and potentially biased market values), but not very relevant.Thus there is a trend to use fair values. Most debts and securities are now reported at market values. †¢Revenue principle requires companies to record when revenue is (1) realized or realizable and (2) earned, not when cash is received. This way of accounting is called accrual basis accounting. †¢Matching principle. Expenses have to be matched with revenues as long as it is reasonable to do so. Expenses are recognized not when the work is performed, or when a product is produced, but when the work or the product actually makes its contribution t o revenue.Only if no connection with revenue can be established, cost may be charged as expenses to the current period (e. g. office salaries and other administrative expenses). This principle allows greater evaluation of actual profitability and performance (shows how much was spent to earn revenue). Depreciation and Cost of Goods Sold are good examples of application of this principle. †¢Disclosure principle. Amount and kinds of information disclosed should be decided based on trade-off analysis as a larger amount of information costs more to prepare and use.Information disclosed should be enough to make a judgment while keeping costs reasonable. Information is presented in the main body of financial statements, in the notes or as supplementary information [edit] Constraints †¢Objectivity principle: the company financial statements provided by the accountants should be based on objective evidence. †¢Materiality principle: the significance of an item should be consid ered when it is reported. An item is considered significant when it would affect the decision of a reasonable individual. Consistency principle: It means that the company uses the same accounting principles and methods from year to year. †¢Prudence principle: when choosing between two solutions, the one that will be least likely to overstate assets and income should be picked (see convention of conservatism). Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UK) The Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in the UK, or UK GAAP, are the overall body of regulation establishing how company accounts must be prepared in the United Kingdom. This includes not only accounting standards, but also UK company law.What is referred to elsewhere as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles is in the UK referred to as Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. [edit] History Accounting standards derive from a number of sources. The chief standard-setter is the Accounting Standards Board (ASB), which issue s standards called Financial Reporting Standards (FRS). The ASB is part of the Financial Reporting Council, an independent regulator funded by a levy on listed companies[1], and it replaced the Accounting Standards Committee (ASC), which was disbanded in 1990 following a number of criticisms of its work.To the extent that the ASC's pronouncements, known as Statements of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAPs), have not been replaced by FRS, they remain in force. [edit] Creation/Revision of Standards The ASB has a formal exposure process for proposed standards. Early concepts are issued as Discussion Papers. These are released to the public and comments invited. Where a new standard is to be proposed, a Financial Reporting Exposure Draft (FRED) is released for comment. The standard in final form is only issued when comments have been incorporated or addressed.This aims to address the criticisms levelled at the ASC, whose comment process was less rigorous. Issues that require an immediat e solution are considered by the Urgent Issues Task Force (UITF). The UITF comprises a number of senior figures from industry and accounting firms. It meets as necessary to consider pressing issues and issues Abstracts which become binding immediately. [edit] Legislation The principal legislation governing reporting in the UK is laid down in the Companies Act 2006, which incorporates the requirements of European law.The Companies Act sets out certain minimum reporting requirements for companies and, for example, requires limited companies to file their accounts with the Registrar of Companies who makes them available to the general public. From 2005, this framework changed as a result of European law requiring that all listed European companies report under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). In the UK, companies which are not listed have the option to report either under IFRSs or under UK GAAP[2].Recently issued UK FRSs have, in any case replicated the wording of c orresponding IFRSs, reducing the differences between the two sets of standards significantly. China Accounting Standards From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Chinese Accounting Standards) Jump to: navigation, search Chinese accounting standards are the accounting rules used in Chinese state owned corporations in mainland China. They are currently being phased out in favour of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or International Accounting Standards.As of February 2010, the Chinese Accounting Standard Systems is composed of Basic Standard, 38 specific standards and Application Guidance. Chinese accounting standards are unique because they originated in a socialist period in which the state was the sole owner of industry. Therefore unlike Western accounting standards, they are less a tool of profit and loss and an inventory of assets available to a company. In contrast to a Western balance sheet, Chinese accounting standards do not include an accounting of the d ebts that a corporation holds, and are less suitable for management control than for accounting for tax purposes.This system of accounting is widely considered to be unsuitable for managing corporations in a market economy. As a result, Chinese corporations are gradually moving toward International Financial Reporting Standards. This has proven to be a massive undertaking. As a consequence Chinese companies who offer shares for sale in the United States used to be required to prepare three sets of statements, one using Chinese accounting standards (China GAAP), one using international standards (IFRS), and one using North American GAAP standards (US GAAP).However, since 2008 the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) allows foreign private issuers to use financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. [1] However, in recent years, The Finance Department of Chinese Government has issued new Chinese Accounting Standards which converge into IFRS and the similarity is alm ost 90-95%. The translation cost has been reduced greatly because of this measure Generally Accepted Accounting Principles A corporation must use the same depreciation method for tax and financial reporting purposes. Must use different depreciation methods for tax and financial reporting may use different depreciation methods for tax and financial reporting must use different (than for tax purposes), but strictly mandated, depreciation methods for financial reporting purposes. 1 points Question 2 1 . Allocation of the historic costs of fixed assets against the annual revenue they generate is called net profits. Gross profits. Depreciation. Amortization. 1 points Question 3 1 .Given the financial manager's preference for faster receipt of cash flows, a longer depreciable life is preferred to a shorter one. A shorter depreciable life is preferred to a longer one. The manager is not concerned with depreciable lives, because depreciation is a non-cash expense. The manager is not concerned with depreciable lives, because once purchased, depreciation is considered a sunk cost. 1 points Question 4 1 . The Modif ied Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACROS) is a depreciation method used for tax financial reporting managerial cost accounting Question 5 .The depreciable life of an asset is of concern to the financial manager. In general, a longer depreciable life is preferred, because it will result in a faster receipt Of cash flows. A shorter depreciable life is preferred, because it will result in a faster receipt of cash flows. A shorter depreciable life is preferred, because management can then purchase new assets, as the old assets are written off. A longer depreciable life is preferred, because management can postpone purchasing new assets, since the Old assets still have a useful life. 1 points Question 6 1 . A corporation sold a fixed asset for $100,000.This is an investment cash flow and a source of funds. An operating cash flow and a source of funds. An operating cash flow and a use of funds. An investment cash flow and a use of funds. Question 7 1 . A corporation raises $500,000 in long-term debt to acquire additional plant capacity. This is considered an investment cash flow. A financing cash flow. A financing cash flow and investment cash flow, respectively. A financing cash flow and operating cash flow, respectively. 1 points Question 8 1 . A firm's operating cash flow (SCOFF) is defined as Ross profit minus operating expenses. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Introduction The purpose of this report is to identify the items that may result in adjusting entries for both prepayments and accrual by looking at the trial balance and Income statement. Furthermore, analyzing the historical summary of financial Is to know the trend for profit or loss of the company assets.Fundamental First of all, why we have to make BAD? Balance day adjustments are therefore required to ensure the financial statements portray a correct picture on the firm's financial performance and financial position. We have to recognize all transaction occurring in that accounting period, irrespective of whether cash has been received or paid. The ultimate objective of adjusting entries Is to ensure that the revenues (income) earned In the accounting period are matched by all costs Incurred for that name accounting period (Monish College, 2011).Prepayment There are two types of adjusting entries, prepayments and accruals. Prepayment is a payment in advance of the period to whi ch it pertains. What this mean is, this category of adjustments aligns recorded revenues (income) and costs with appropriate accounting periods. For example, there are situations where cash Is received before goods and services are provided to customers or situations where cash has been paid In advance for costs of operation and which relate to future counting periods.Prepayments divided into two sections, which are prepaid expenses and unearned revenue. Prepaid expenses is type of assets that shown on a balance sheet as a result of business payments for goods and services to be received in the near future. While prepaid expenses are initially recorded as assets, their value Is expensed over time as the benefit Is receive something of value in the near future. Prepayments often occur In regard to Insurance, supplies, advertising, and rent. Earned revenue is also known as prepaid revenue. It means payment, which is received in advance of providing a good or service. Since an obligati on exists on the part of the company to provide goods or services for which the advance payment was received, unearned revenue is a liability. An example is a retainer received by an attorney. When the services are performed, revenue is the earned. Another examples are pre-booked airline ticket, rent received In advance and magazine subscription Generally Accepted Accounting Principles A corporation must use the same depreciation method for tax and financial reporting purposes. Must use different depreciation methods for tax and financial reporting may use different depreciation methods for tax and financial reporting must use different (than for tax purposes), but strictly mandated, depreciation methods for financial reporting purposes. 1 points Question 2 1 . Allocation of the historic costs of fixed assets against the annual revenue they generate is called net profits. Gross profits. Depreciation. Amortization. 1 points Question 3 1 .Given the financial manager's preference for faster receipt of cash flows, a longer depreciable life is preferred to a shorter one. A shorter depreciable life is preferred to a longer one. The manager is not concerned with depreciable lives, because depreciation is a non-cash expense. The manager is not concerned with depreciable lives, because once purchased, depreciation is considered a sunk cost. 1 points Question 4 1 . The Modif ied Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACROS) is a depreciation method used for tax financial reporting managerial cost accounting Question 5 .The depreciable life of an asset is of concern to the financial manager. In general, a longer depreciable life is preferred, because it will result in a faster receipt Of cash flows. A shorter depreciable life is preferred, because it will result in a faster receipt of cash flows. A shorter depreciable life is preferred, because management can then purchase new assets, as the old assets are written off. A longer depreciable life is preferred, because management can postpone purchasing new assets, since the Old assets still have a useful life. 1 points Question 6 1 . A corporation sold a fixed asset for $100,000.This is an investment cash flow and a source of funds. An operating cash flow and a source of funds. An operating cash flow and a use of funds. An investment cash flow and a use of funds. Question 7 1 . A corporation raises $500,000 in long-term debt to acquire additional plant capacity. This is considered an investment cash flow. A financing cash flow. A financing cash flow and investment cash flow, respectively. A financing cash flow and operating cash flow, respectively. 1 points Question 8 1 . A firm's operating cash flow (SCOFF) is defined as Ross profit minus operating expenses. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Introduction The purpose of this report is to identify the items that may result in adjusting entries for both prepayments and accrual by looking at the trial balance and Income statement. Furthermore, analyzing the historical summary of financial Is to know the trend for profit or loss of the company assets.Fundamental First of all, why we have to make BAD? Balance day adjustments are therefore required to ensure the financial statements portray a correct picture on the firm's financial performance and financial position. We have to recognize all transaction occurring in that accounting period, irrespective of whether cash has been received or paid. The ultimate objective of adjusting entries Is to ensure that the revenues (income) earned In the accounting period are matched by all costs Incurred for that name accounting period (Monish College, 2011).Prepayment There are two types of adjusting entries, prepayments and accruals. Prepayment is a payment in advance of the period to whi ch it pertains. What this mean is, this category of adjustments aligns recorded revenues (income) and costs with appropriate accounting periods. For example, there are situations where cash Is received before goods and services are provided to customers or situations where cash has been paid In advance for costs of operation and which relate to future counting periods.Prepayments divided into two sections, which are prepaid expenses and unearned revenue. Prepaid expenses is type of assets that shown on a balance sheet as a result of business payments for goods and services to be received in the near future. While prepaid expenses are initially recorded as assets, their value Is expensed over time as the benefit Is receive something of value in the near future. Prepayments often occur In regard to Insurance, supplies, advertising, and rent. Earned revenue is also known as prepaid revenue. It means payment, which is received in advance of providing a good or service. Since an obligati on exists on the part of the company to provide goods or services for which the advance payment was received, unearned revenue is a liability. An example is a retainer received by an attorney. When the services are performed, revenue is the earned. Another examples are pre-booked airline ticket, rent received In advance and magazine subscription

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Impact of Climate Change on Forestry in British Columbia Term Paper

Impact of Climate Change on Forestry in British Columbia - Term Paper Example There is, therefore, need to find out the potential impacts of climate change on the forests in these areas and if possible make recommendations on how to control the effects. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change argues that the changes in the climate of the earth will continue to occur mostly caused by activities of human beings that release greenhouse gases to the atmosphere (British Columbia and Barber, 2006). These greenhouse gases (GHGs) are mainly produced because of the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, the cutting of forests and vegetative cover and intense agricultural activities. The release of greenhouse gases that are in the atmosphere usually depends on the level of economic growth, the technological development and how a region relates to other areas whereby in this research work, our point of reference is British Columbia in Canada. The climate of the world has been changing consistently over a period of time and this is evident with the rise in global temperature by a figure averaging between 2Ëš to 4Ëš C (British Columbia and Barber, 2006). The rise in temperature due to effects of climate change will also be accompanied by changes in the intensity of rainfall in most regions while the rate of warming will be faster and dynamic that may bring adverse effects to animal and plant life at certain regions especially the forests of British Columbia (Laroque and Smith, 2003). It is important to note that changes in climate usually has effects on the biological and ecological processes as well as well as affecting phenology of species, uptake of water and causing disturbances on trees such as insect pests, diseases, and drought amongst others (Dale, Joyce, McNulty & Neilson, 2000).  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Apple Case Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Apple Case Analysis - Term Paper Example Though Apple may be thriving on its success in different segments specially its non-PC segment however, it is confronting with certain issues which can critically affect its operations in the future. Since late 1990s, the overall share of Apple in personal computers market is consistently below 5% which is far below than Apple’s traditional competitors. It seems that the buyers of Apple are too much focused on its non-PC products and consumers are willing to buy those products. The competitive products against Apple Mac are reasonably priced therefore consumers tend to prefer them over Mac due to price related variables. Further, technology is changing fast in the area where Apple is operating and historically firms tend to lose if they don’t keep up with the changes in technology. Whether Apple will be able to keep pace with this technology is something which everybody likes to explore. Situation Analysis External Analysis Apple’s competition is of international nature in its Mac segment of personal computers wherein it sells its PCs either through its own flagship stores, electronic retailors as well as through its website. The overall range of personal computers of Apple includes desktops, laptops as well as smaller mini notebooks. There can be different factors which may at play and can directly affects the way Apple operates in the industry. It is critical to note that Generation Y is becoming technology oriented with ownership of at least one PC is considered as essential because PC is now a days being used not only for entertainment purposes but for improving the productivity as well as to have access to information. What however, has changed over the period of time is the fact that consumers tend to favor those manufacturers which conserve the environment in their overall manufacturing process. The reusability of the material as well as its ability of not harming the environment is what is making the difference. It is also critical to note that the overall revenue of the industry is on rise since last decade except a slight dip during 2009. It may therefore can be safely assumed that industry is growing and there is relatively better potential for the existing players to expand with little bit of more innovation and creativity. A Porter Five Forces Analysis of Personal Computer Industry would suggest that buyers have higher bargaining power because of low switching cost. Suppliers also tend to have higher bargaining power due to technological sophistication as well as expertise they held in terms of providing the required hardware and software components to manufacture a personal computer. Providers such as Intel tend to have monopoly over certain critical components required to manufacture a PC and therefore tend to have more bargaining power. The overall threat of new substitutes is relatively low because industry is dominated by large players and the overall capital expenditure required is relatively high. Threats of substitutes can be significant especially in the wake of latest changes in the technology allowing smaller and compact tablet PCs to emerge as alternatives. Apple’s own IPAD is considered as a gadget which can actually kill personal computers therefore going forward there can be significant threats of substitutes. As a result of the technological developments and new market dynamics, the overall rivalry has intensified

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Journal - Essay Example Marketing management bases on the concept of situation analysis in which the manager has to keenly analyze and closely monitor the firm so that everything runs parallel to the firm’s objectives and mission. Since it is a broad field, situation analysis divides itself into the economic, competitive, cooperative, legal, social and political environments. The economic environment It is a major determinant of how the firm survives in a competitive market. This type of environment can bring with it marketing opportunities or constraints. For example, such factors as high inflation and unemployment can limit the size of the market that can afford to purchase a firm’s top-of –the-line product (Peter and Donnelly 17). The competitive environment Firms are after a similar raw material and target at same consumers. In this environment, the management must look out for competing firms, drive competitors out of the industry and aim at offering value sensible products to the consumers. Political environment It influences how the public views the product. It composes of the business critics, the public and other organizations. To guard the corporation image, the management must satisfy the standards set to avoid criticism. ... Operations management functions The functions are categorized under design and control issues (Mahadevan 16). For the design issues, the functions are realized in product and design development. This is a major importance since it facilitates creativity in production to withstand external competitions. In addition, there is improved quality management, which helps build trust with customers. Designing is important when locating and making layouts of facilities that enables efficiency in production. For control issues, operations management is a guide for forecasting, as it understands the flow and trends of products. This helps in controlling production such that there is neither surplus nor deficit. Supply chain management is put under control since it depends on the operations management decisions. Still, the operations management helps guide the maintenance management because the operations determine how frequent the maintenance practices are carried out. With all these summed up, there is a continuous improvement of operations in a company. The operations management faces competitive pressure. This is because of technological advancement today. This can be attributed to be a major challenge. On the same note, the pressure can be from the economic reforms. Organizational design Organizational design involves two complementary problems: how to partition a big task of the whole organization and how to coordinate the subunits so that they fit together (Burton et al). The problems make organizational design a continuous executive process that requires short-term and long-term resolutions. Since it is a continuous process, a systematic approach reveals what happens Step 1: getting started Every firm has a goal and mission

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Modern Day Slavery in the Middle East Research Paper

Modern Day Slavery in the Middle East - Research Paper Example In other cases, children are obliged to labor as slaves through forced marriages and as child soldiers. Studies show that there are more slaves in the 21st era than during any earlier time. Slavery has been in existence in numerous cultures and it predates inscribed records. The figure of slaves currently continues to be as high as 13million to 28 million. Many of them are debt slaves, mostly in South Asia. The slaves are on debt bondage bought upon by lenders, at times even for decades. Slaves and the work they provided were economically crucial in the pre-industrial communities. This paper will therefore discuss how to end modern slavery in the Middle East. An objector's work is not once done. In 1807March 25th, two hundred centuries ago following vigorous petitioning headed by Wilberforce William, Parliament rendered it illegitimate for British vessels to move slaves and importation of slaves by British colonies. (Denmark actually had passed the same law three years previously, ne vertheless only Danes reminisce that.) In 1948, the United Nations seemed to end what Wilberforce & Co hadbegun. This is signifiedin simple language in the (UDHR) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 4: â€Å"Nobody shall be seized in servitude orslavery; slave trade and the slavery shall be forbidden in all theirtypes.† Slavery was formally a worldwide no-nothis is according to â€Å"The Economist†(Of inhuman bondage par. 1). However, in 2007 no one knew there would be many more servitudes in the domain than ever formerly this is according to â€Å"The Economist†(Of inhuman bondage par. 2). An International Labor Organization report proposes slightly 12.3m. While others say, the total figure is approximately 27m. Majority of slaves are in Latin America and Asia. Kevin Bales a sociology professorat University of Roehampton assesses that the cost of an average slave is $100. The charge differs around the domain, and whereas one couldprocure a 20-year-ol d man plantation worker from West Africa for $50, the charge of a good-looking Ukrainian female in North America couldrun overto thousands. When we contemplate of bondage, we incline to contemplate of the 19th-period â€Å"chattel† diversity—Africans fastened in irons, sold off like livestock and hurled to harvest cotton into the Deep South. Overall, modern suppression does notappear —oroperate —greatly like that. Conferring to â€Å"The Economist†(Of inhuman bondage par. 3) what current slaves dobearsome similarity with their cotton-harvesting predecessors, nonetheless, is they cannot picktheir situation and cannot escape it. The major common type of captivity is bonded labor, wherein labor is procured as reimbursement for a debt. It is prevalent inPakistan, India and Nepal. The whole familymay be subjugated in this manner; typically, they happen to be low-caste and untouchable members of the community. Interest is ratedcovering the original debt sum and the pledge can be passed on from one generation to another. Bonded labor may seem as if it has an intended aspectthat excludes it as bondage. However,rendering to â€Å"The Economist†(Of inhuman bondage par. 3) most bonded laborers bear no preference and their share is in fact that of chattel servitude. Other types of slavery are thriving also according to â€Å"The Economist† (Of inhuman bondage par. 4). In Sudan, children and women are kidnapped and auctioned to government-sponsored guerrillas. In Brazil, farmers clear the forest at

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Definition of Marriage Is Relative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Definition of Marriage Is Relative - Essay Example In modern Western society this basis for marriage is the most common, but still we cannot exclude the fact of arranged marriages, which were more popular earlier. Recent studies showed that even hundred years ago the most common marriage was the arranged one, when spouses were supposed to be from the same social class, so families usually arranged marriages between their children to combine their capitals. But since the beginning of 20th century this tendency started reducing, when Western-pattern society became more liberal and new young generations didn’t allow their parents to arrange their lives (Ghimire at al. n.pag). This Western liberal pattern of marriage is based on the kind of Western society where law principles are predominant in defining some social acts as acceptable or not. These law fundamentals of the society have reduced a significance of religious rituals in recognition of social acts as legal or not. This means that it’s not enough just to be connect ed with some religious ritual to be considered as married, spouses must to support their promises to each other with the legal act. Besides, the significant feature of marriage is presence of gender roles within it. First of all, it is difficult to argue that marriage is a sort of social institution that requires bringing population growth into society. As far as liberal Western society started to allow people to marry for any reason they want, this caused several social problems. First of all, gender roles within family have changed; there are no special behavioral standards for man and woman anymore, so this caused increase in maternity age among women, because emancipated women put their careers before family (Nock, 14). Another problem of Western liberal social pattern is the allowance of single-sex marriage. This topic is a hot point of discussions within worldwide societies. The conflict’s point is that making society extremely liberal Western countries (Europe, USA) ha ve leveled the basic social foundations of marriage like population growth purposes and moral and religious standard of heterosexual couples.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Open Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Open - Research Paper Example Qualifications wise the board is a mix of innovators and researchers. The board comprises two PhD holders and key personalities like Robert A. Iger the current CEO and president of The Walt Disney Company (Apple Inc., 2013b). The combination of innovation and research gives Apple’s Board the leadership qualities that are needed for consumer electronics business. Research provides Apple with access to the latest technology while innovation provides the company’s products with the competitive edge over its rivals. The board can take decisions based on both technology and innovation. 2. Committees the board sits on: The board at Apple Inc. sits on three committees: Audit and Finance, Compensation and Nominating and Corporate Governance. The Audit and Finance committee is responsible for maintaining the financial matters of the company. Moreover the committee looks after the audit system, performs risk management and also looks after the security of the data. Financial matt ers are of great importance to Apple Inc. and to make sure that the committee functions at optimum efficiency the members of the committee are some of the brilliant minds of the leading companies in the world (Apple Inc., 2011a). The second committee is Compensation committee whose main purpose is to design incentive plans for the company. In addition to designing the Committee can also review and modify any incentive plan as it sees fit. The committee has three members with Andrea Jung being the chairperson for the Committee (Apple Inc., 2013a). The third Committee is Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee whose sole responsibility is to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors at Apple Inc. In addition the committee can advise the Board of Directors regarding matters of governance. The committee comprises three members and William V. Campbell is appointed as the Chairperson of the Committee (Apple Inc., 2011). 3. Management at Apple Inc: Most of the individuals workin g for Apple have been working with the company since its formation. There are a few who joined shortly after Steve Jobs was made the CEO at Apple Inc. in 1997 (Apple Inc., 2013d). The management team is a relatively experienced one with people who have worked with some of the greatest companies in the world. One such example is Craig Federighi the Senior Vice President at the company. Federighi worked for NeXT Inc. and Ariba before working for Apple in 2009. NeXT Inc. and Ariba were one of the most popular IT companies of their time. Federighi is just one example of the many experienced individuals working for the management of Apple Inc. (Lowensohn, 2011). 4. Board’s Philosophy on Executive Compensation: Executive compensation at Apple Incorporation is determined by the Compensation Committee which comprises 4 non-employee directors of the company. As per the â€Å"Definitive Proxy Statement†, the executive compensation program of the company includes awarding Restric ted Stock Units (RSU) to all executive members of the company (Apple Inc., 2013d). However, the RSUs were not awarded to one executive member, Timothy Cook, who was promoted to the CEO of the company. In addition, the Compensation committee also has established a sound basis for determining the remuneration and bonuses for executive members of the company. As for instance, the Committee considers a number of factors while evaluating the remuneration and bonuses of the executive members, which include: Competitive Market

Sunday, September 22, 2019

English skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

English skills - Essay Example â€Å"Quality in Higher Education â€Å" have a high impact factor. Nevertheless, since it was a qualitative research, there always exists likelihood of slightly inaccurate interpretation of responses of the research participants. This article is primarily about internationalization. While the writers have objectively declared how they understand internationalization i.e. a process that requires sustained effort causing intensification of the relationships among different cultures, yet this definition remains a personal opinion since the writers have not cited a reference for it. Contrary to that, most ideas in the text are supported with evidence. Examples of such ideas include globalization and cultural intelligence. The article was written in the year 2009. It can be considered recent since it was written only about four years ago. The content of the text is very relevant and up-to-date with the contemporary thinking. Most organizations today tend to give international exposure to their employees by making them expatriates. Cultural intelligence and international experience are two of the most appreciated qualities about the candidates for any kind of job today. The writers have fairly complied with all the rules, guidelines and expectations concerning the language, style, structure, referencing and vocabulary that those producing material at University level are expected to follow. The text has a flow of ideas with smooth transition from one to another. The ideas are arranged in the form of points. Sections and headings help the reader understand what a paragraph entails and keep track of the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Business Research Essay Example for Free

Business Research Essay 1). Explain the difference between a research question and a hypothesis. Using your current or previous place of employment as a starting point, provide one or more research question and then develop two appropriate hypotheses. A resarch question is is a complicated question that does not have a clear cut anser too. The question is most likely variable different answers.A hypothesis is an aswer that might explane the research with lots of evidence. 2). You are the supervisor of a call center. Lately, there have been many misdirected or dropped calls. Develop one or two research questions and three hypotheses that might account for misdirected or dropped calls. Two research questions would be; when are the calls being dropped and what shift are the calls being dropped the most mi An appropriate hypothesis for the following would consist of; the calls are being dropped due to inefficent training. Another hypothesis would be that the system is having the problem. Lastly a hypothesis for both of them could be the customers may have dropped the calls due to cell phone usage. 3). What are dependent variable and independent variable? Select a library article that uses the quantitative research method and identify the dependent variables and independent variable researched in the article. Dependent vriables rely on other informations and factors and independent stands alone. Many different type contributing factors often leads to the summary of certain authoritative senses. Whereas being that quantitative research would require large amounts of information and edivence the following the factors from the dependent variable the independent would create the ideal theme.. 4). Provide examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary information sources at your current place of employment. How has each one been used? Provide examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary information sources at your current place of employment. How has each one been used? All three sources are used in your everyday tasks but to clarify the fmain one in my workplace would classify as the initial workplace email. Since my job is connected all over the world when the job changes this the first place it goes is email and then mail. In any given situation, a change can be added at anytime seem promptly next would be secondary which will be mailing the offical letter that was sent in the mail. so that these matters no matter what they are can be discussed. Lastly the matter is handle in meeting which means the matter is very serious. 5). Identify a management dilemma you  face at work or at an organization with which you were previously employed. Using the Management-Research Question Hierarchy in Ch. 5 of the text, develop the management questions, research questions, investigative questions, and measurement questions. A management situaion whould be times if flight changes or theier need to bring parts to the company.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Use Of Torture In Guantanamo Bay Philosophy Essay

The Use Of Torture In Guantanamo Bay Philosophy Essay Since the opening and the use of the Guantanamo Bay as a military prison that was allowing the use of torture to get information from prisoners there has been a rise in public debate over whether there the use of torture on prisoners is right (Greenberg, 3). This paper looks into these public debates through the eyes of Plato, Aristotle and Karl Marx some of the well renowned thinkers that have come to pass. To some the use of torture in Guantanamo bay is morally and incorrect while to some it is an end to a means, which is necessary so as to ensure that America is safe from terrorism and danger. From Plato, Aristotle and Marx the former view is wrong and uncalled for. The former view can be likened to the theory of ethical relativism which both Plato and Aristotle were both against. It can also be likened to the ulitarism principle, which Marx was against. For the ethical relativism theory, it claimed that moral judgment and acts vary from one society or culture to another. It also proposes that moral judgment varies depending on the situation that an individual or group of individuals are placed in (Peters, 138). The theory proposes that in one culture an action can be viewed to be morally correct while in another the action can be viewed as inappropriate. If applied in the current situation the theory upholds the use of torture if the American society does not view it as wrong then it is right for the torture in Guantanamo bay to continue. The theory proposes that no one set of moral values in any society is better than the other. However, Plato and his student Aristotle were not for this view (Huard, 20). Plato and Aristotle were for the ethical objectivism theory, which states that. In Platos dialog, titled The Republic the conflict between the two theories becomes apparent. In the dialog Socrates is seen trying to engage Thrasymac hus about his thoughts on what justice is. Thrasymachus a large proponent for the relativism theory argues that justice is in the interest of the strong and there is nothing more to it. He further explains how he has travelled to so many countries around the world and all the laws have been tailored so as to suit the strong while oppressing the weak (Plato) In Platos and Aristotles view however this is not correct. In the present situation, Plato and Aristotle would be view the use of torture in Guantanamo bay as ethically wrong and lacking in moral judgment. In Platos argument, the use of torture and the detention of criminals is not justice. The strong that Thrasymachus is referring to can be viewed to be the United States of America and the weak are those who have been detained in the camp. Plato and Aristotle did not agree with the view that justice and law were tailored to the benefit of those in power while disregarding the human nature of those being oppressed. Plato in the dialog believes that justice is universal, that it was a constant, and that it applied to everyone. According to Plato and Aristotle, all men were created equal. This is stated in the declaration of independence and is gifted with a number of unchallengeable rights, which are the right to life, the right to liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. This is contra ry to what is going on in Guantanamo bay. The prisoners right to liberty and their pursuit of happiness have been curtailed by their detention as well as the use of torture on them (Malcolm, 89). The view of Karl Marx is also against the use of torture and the detention of prisoners without trial. Marx is known for his teachings in his work that human were different from animals and that they could not behave in the way animals do. In his argument, he argues that the main difference between man and animals is the human conscience, religion and a host of other factors that are present in everyday life. In his argument, he says that humans distinguish themselves from animals the moment they start producing for their own survival and organizing themselves in social groups (Wood, 30). Therefore, his argument can be interpreted to mean that he does not expect human beings to behave and act like animals. The torturing and detention of military prisoners in Guantanamo Bay can be interpreted into animalistic behavior which according to Karl Marx is not human. Karl Marx further argues that human beings have the will and conscience to do what is right unlike animals, which only act on their basic instinct of survival. The torturing of inmates in the Guantanamo bay prison can be viewed as Americas basic instinct to try and survive just like the animals in the jungle (Rejali, 98). This is because every human being has his or her basic human rights, which are not being upheld in the prison. The life of the prisoners in the prison can be compared to that of animals, which Karl Marx is against. Marx is also known for his fight against the unitarianism theory, which is a theory that looks into the moral merit of a deed and determines the merit of the deed depending solely on the usefulness of the deed in maximizing what an individual is to gain out of that deed. The theory proposes that the moral worth of any action that a human being takes can be judged by the outcome of the deed. This is in line with the end justifies the means (Allen Wood pp 33). Karl Marx was largely against this mode of thinking arguing that it was against his theory that human nature was different from that of animals and that free will was the main control when it came to the measurement of the moral merit of an action. If the unitarianism theory is placed in the present Guantanamo bay situation, the theory proposes that if the product of the use of torture on the detainees produces a good outcome that was beneficial to the American people then the actions are justified. Karl Marx was however against this theory and he argues that human nature is dynamic and he argues that the theory is just a measure for present situations. For example if torture is used effectively to the benefit of the United States government it does not mean that it is opposing human progress. His argument is that not all the merit of any action can be placed on the outcome since actions like torture, which may lead to a positive outcome, are not human and they go against the basic human nature (Smith, 4).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Aquired Dyslexia :: essays research papers

DISCUSS SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH RESEARCH IN ADULT AQUIRED DYSLEXICS HAS ENHANCED OUR UNDERSTANDING OF HOW PEOPLE READ. The use of language is one of the most complex tasks the human brain must carry out. The way in which children acquire language is studied very carefully. This acquisition is enhanced by teaching from skilled language users, but in itself acquired by the child’s own observation and learning. For this reason the acquisition of spoken language is perhaps more well documented then the taught acquisition of reading skills. It is hard to determine how the human brain deals with the task of reading the written word. It can not be determined by introspection or studying the human brain in action as this is not possible. The way Psychologists and Neuroscientists have developed to determine hoe humans read is to observe people who have suffered some form of brain damage and have thereby incurred some form of reading disability. This disability is known as acquired dyslexia. From the study of such patients several variations of a basic model have been developed to highlight the way in which the written word is processed in the brain. The model is subdivided in to two main processing routes, the Non Lexical Route and the Lexical route. A model produced based on theories from Coltheart (1981) shows that there are several routes to speech production in the brain. The eye first identifies the printed word. In the adult skilled reader the eye does not move in a smooth pattern but actually jumps to certain focus points in a sentence the brain itself actually fills in the missing words. It does this by top down processing in which the brain applies words to the sentence to make the overall meaning correct. The eye does not move smoothly but actually jumps from point to point. The term given to the period when the eye is stationary and focused on a particular point is called a fixation. It is at these fixations when the eye takes up the information. The jumping movements are known as saccades. Javal (1887) first used this term. This jumping in saccades allows information to be processed faster. However it is believed that little or no information is taken up during a saccade. This is known as saccadic suppression. Dodge ( 1900) and Holt (1903). In addition to this saccadic motion it has been discovered that in readers of English the perceptual span of the visual field is greater to the right of the fixation point. Aquired Dyslexia :: essays research papers DISCUSS SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH RESEARCH IN ADULT AQUIRED DYSLEXICS HAS ENHANCED OUR UNDERSTANDING OF HOW PEOPLE READ. The use of language is one of the most complex tasks the human brain must carry out. The way in which children acquire language is studied very carefully. This acquisition is enhanced by teaching from skilled language users, but in itself acquired by the child’s own observation and learning. For this reason the acquisition of spoken language is perhaps more well documented then the taught acquisition of reading skills. It is hard to determine how the human brain deals with the task of reading the written word. It can not be determined by introspection or studying the human brain in action as this is not possible. The way Psychologists and Neuroscientists have developed to determine hoe humans read is to observe people who have suffered some form of brain damage and have thereby incurred some form of reading disability. This disability is known as acquired dyslexia. From the study of such patients several variations of a basic model have been developed to highlight the way in which the written word is processed in the brain. The model is subdivided in to two main processing routes, the Non Lexical Route and the Lexical route. A model produced based on theories from Coltheart (1981) shows that there are several routes to speech production in the brain. The eye first identifies the printed word. In the adult skilled reader the eye does not move in a smooth pattern but actually jumps to certain focus points in a sentence the brain itself actually fills in the missing words. It does this by top down processing in which the brain applies words to the sentence to make the overall meaning correct. The eye does not move smoothly but actually jumps from point to point. The term given to the period when the eye is stationary and focused on a particular point is called a fixation. It is at these fixations when the eye takes up the information. The jumping movements are known as saccades. Javal (1887) first used this term. This jumping in saccades allows information to be processed faster. However it is believed that little or no information is taken up during a saccade. This is known as saccadic suppression. Dodge ( 1900) and Holt (1903). In addition to this saccadic motion it has been discovered that in readers of English the perceptual span of the visual field is greater to the right of the fixation point.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Student Conduct and Violence in Schools :: Education

Generally, the conduct of students in public school is a deterrent to getting a good education. Violent behavior, drugs in school, and misbehaving students are distracting and break the learning environment for others. Violence in school creates an unsafe environment, and shifts the administrator's focus away from the curriculum towards solving the dilemma of violence.   When the environment that surrounds the students is not secure they become more preoccupied with their own safety than they do about learning (Rehr).   This disturbing behavior also takes both the student's and teacher's time away from the education process.   As Albert Shanker has written, "Nobody ever learns in a classroom that has one or two kids who take ninety percent of the time through violence or threats of violence.   It deprives children of an opportunity to learn" (464).   To cut down on violence, schools have guards at the entrance, gates, or metal detectors in buildings.   The effect of this though is that students sometimes have to miss first period because of the length of time it takes to check everyone's bag.   In addition, it can cause feelings of intimidation or anxiety due to the fact that "when yo u put metal detectors in buildings, that's a statement that schools are violence-ridden, out of control, and unsafe" (Glazer 790).   This worries educators because they start to "question whether a prison-like atmosphere, even when it is effective in reducing crime, can in the long run be compatible with good education" (David 12). In correlation with crime in schools are illegal drugs.   Drugs seems to be the majority cause of violent behavior in school.   "Teachers tell of some students being sent home because they were drunk; others have been involved in fights with other students, teachers, and administrators while under the influence of alcohol" (David 8).   When these students come to class under the influence of drugs or alcohol they are not able to learn or function responsibly in school.   This not only hurts them but also others who become more vulnerable when they see this behavior and do not see the person getting any kind of discipline.   As one student said, "If you get caught they will slap you on the wrist, say 'Don't do it again', or maybe send you to a different school.   Big deal" (Lipsky 104).   This kind of thinking makes drug use legitimate to other students. A third behavior students engage in that causes disruption and time taken away in classes is simply misbehavior.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Emily Dickinson :: Author Biography Emily Dickinson Essays

Emily Dickinson Breaking news revealing the truth about Emily Dickinson’s life has recently been uncovered. For the past hundred-plus years literary historians believed Dickinson to be a plain and quiet type of person who did not communicate with the public for most of her life. Her romanticism poetry drew attention from fellow literary legends. After corresponding with the well-known Thomas Wentworth Higginson, who showed interest in her work but advised her not to publish it, she became defiant to publish any of her work. Dickinson grew up in a very strict Puritan family. However, her poetry did not reflect her Puritan upbringing at all. As the late eighteen sixties came about, Dickinson became very attached to her family home and refused to leave it. She cut off most of her relationships with her friends. The only way she could express her feelings was through her writing. She eventually died in 1886 of a kidney condition called Bright’s disease. Against Dickinson’s request, her sister Lavinia turned over the rest of her work to be published. The biography you have just read is a summary of the life of Emily Dickinson we have all taken to accept. The following story is the truth revealed. The shocking discoveries will leave you in amazement. One hundred-fifteen years later, who would have thought historians could ever crack a scandal like this one? Emily Dickinson grew up as a New England Puritan. The values she was taught were all but revealed in the poetry she wrote. How could such strict Puritan parents raise a child to express such anti-Puritan values in her writing as Emily Dickinson did? That question has recently become invalid now that scientists have discovered that Emily Dickinson indeed had a twin sister to whom the credit for all of the poetry is now given. How and why did such a disgrace take place, you ask? It was a complicated situation-one which would probably never happen today! Sexuality and enjoyment were things thought of as satanic to Puritans. When Emily Dickinson’s parents gave birth to twins in Amherst, MA, society saw them as grotesque and the parents themselves were humiliated. To Puritans, having twins meant the couple enjoyed sexuality twice as much as others. They would have been shunned and looked down on if they kept both of the babies. With the idea of murdering one of the babies out of the question, one of the twins was given to a caretaker of the Dickinson’s.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Legalization Of Illegal Drugs

There are simply no positive reasons to criminals any illegal drugs and plan to show you why. The fact that keeping the same laws on drugs won't change anything is a pretty basic concept. To put it another way, people already take drugs and if we don't change anything people will continue to take drugs, get addicted and potentially commit any crime from petty thievery to murder. That may seem an exaggeration, but a report back in 2003 from the Joseph Renowned Foundation found that 50% of people in custody and awaiting trial admitted they were dependent on a drug.Given that the Scottish Social Attitudes survey of 2009 found an increase of 6% from 2001 (41% to 47%) in Scottish adults close to someone who has used illegal drugs, it would be safe to assume this figure has also risen. So, with it now established that people take drugs despite it being against the law, we need to try and make drug consumption more structured, more stable and ultimately safer. As production is illegal, the drug trade lacks all health and safety restraints put on other legitimate markets such as quality control and warning labels.Therefore if someone decides they want to sample cannabis, et their weekly heroin fix or even buy some cocaine for a night in as if it were a box of Principles, they have almost literally no idea what they are buying from a drug dealer. The value is so high that drugs are often diluted with similar looking substances thus leaving consumers with drugs like heroin that's only 3 to 6% pure. This opens up a whole host of other problems- if you're used to a 3% intake of heroin and your drug dealer changes to a 6% you've unknowingly doubled your intake.In a system of controlled legalization (that I will detail later) these problems and a few others become history. Don't take drugs. You (hopefully! ) don't take drugs. Yet despite this we are both still at risk from drug related crimes and street violence related either directly or indirectly to drug use. Due to the i llegality of drugs the supply and manufacture is obviously limited, meaning the price rises. As an example, a kilogram of cocaine worth $3000 in Colombia (where cocaine is legal) sold at retail price in the USA for $300,000.This type of money isn't obtainable through legitimate means for most ordinary people, especially when they become addicted and have to keep coming back for more. Therefore they turn to crime, whether organized or not. These people steal whatever they can to fund their habit and depending on the severity of their addiction could end up killing in order to try and collect funds. This puts completely uninvolved members of the general public, like you and me, at risk and means any one could be harmed by the drug trade. As well as that, those purchasing the drugs legitimately or not find themselves in completely unnecessary danger.The drugs or so valuable they became targets for theft and assault. This is another thing that can be avoided by the controlled legalizati on will outline soon, as prices will collapse and with it the need to teal or commit other crime to obtain drugs. I've mentioned it a few times, and it's now time for me to outline what I mean by controlled legalization and the positives think it would bring to our country. Drug consumption rooms are a very successful method of controlled legalization that is growing in popularity in Europe.Consumption rooms in Copenhagen, Denmark Consumption rooms allow people who want to take drugs to inject them under supervision and in a safe environment. In the Danish rooms, despite over 1 00 overdoses there has not been a single death to date. The major positive is the government can now control drug use. An alternative to drug consumption would be a more full and dramatic method of controlled legalization. Legalize all aspects Of the trade surrounding a particular drug, but in doing so create strict controls on manufacturing and sale, not unlike the current prescription system.Starting with t he likes of Cannabis and Cocaine and if this is successful soon moving on to harder and more serious drugs. Lord Sugar is one well known businessman and role model who supports this. In his Autobiography he talks of selling Cocaine and Cannabis in small sachets in pharmacies for just E, with around El tax on each. As well creating safer drug use, being rid of dealers and cartels it also creates more money which the government could then spend on genuine issues like poverty and education.Who knows, if people are educated better and grow up in nicer environments they may not even turn to drugs in the first place. As means of a summary of all this, if we want to improve our drug culture and the way they are treated here then something needs to change. Personally I lean towards full controlled legalization, in the form of selling drugs to over ass through pharmacies in a controlled, stable and educated way, but I see he merits of consumption rooms and would be for their use in the UK.

Are you ready

If my 21 year old child or my 18 year old best friend were to ask me how they know they are married for marriage, I would not know what to say. I would probably talk about having the â€Å"right age† which to some can be early, but to others it can be a long time. I would explain the consequences of marrying early such as divorce. I would explain that marriage is not a game and that it should be taken seriously as it is a lifelong commitment, sure there are times where people go through divorce but you eve to live with that person every day.That gets me into my next point: the right spouse. If you are to marry, it should be with the person you are most comfortable with. This person should make you feel good when you are together. They should entertain you and put a smile on your face when you most need it. The person should make you feel like you are around your best friend whom you can confess your secrets and lend you a helping. The other person should help build you up and help you reach your personal goals.You should not feel like you are tied down to someone and that they are baggage. Another thing you should consider is If you want to settle down. To my child I would agree with their decision on getting married because they are older and have somewhat of a plan for their future, and are wiser in making their decision. As for my 18 year old friend, I would give her the advice to maybe wait a little longer. They are young and should go out into the world and explore all the different things you can do as a single person.I would also tell my best friend that they are younger and so their decisions are not set In stone. I would give them both this statement: â€Å"Are you ready to settle down†. Marriage will become your priority and you will not have time for many things Like going out with friends especially if you plan to bring children Into your home. My last advice for them would be to sit down and think If they see themselves settles with a family and giving up their life of leisure that they have now.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Eudora Welty Research Paper

She was the oldest of three children and the only girl of a very close-knit family. Her father, Christian Webb Welt, was an Ohio native who worked for an Insurance company. Her mother, Mary Chastens Welt, had been a schoolteacher In West Flagella. Welt's mother, being a schoolteacher, loved to read and Influenced Welt to read at a young age. In her biography, Welt tells about her earliest memories of her parents reading to her and to each other at night.She was always surrounded by books and was always reading. Her love of reading led her to graduate high school and further her education, which most girls during this time did not do. Welt had potential that did not go to waste. Eduardo Welt became a well-known, skilled writer who used her own background and experiences to help shape her stories into something captivating, stressing the importance of place in each and every story (Kerosene). She began her studies at the Mississippi State College for Women. Here, she helped start a lit erary magazine.Two years later, she began studying at the university of Wisconsin and earned her bachelor's degree there. After Informing her arenas that she wanted to become a writer, her father suggested she have something else to fall back on. Upon his advice, she decided to study advertising at the Columbia university School of Business. The job industry was tough when she graduated, so Welt decided to move back to Jackson (Machismo). After moving back home to Jackson, she began working for a local radio station and wrote about the society of Jackson for the Commercial Appeal in Memphis.Five years after taking this job, she began working for the Works Progress Administration, which was a government program established during the Depression, as a publicity gent. Welt thoroughly enjoyed this Job, which enabled her to travel all over Mississippi and see things she had never seen before. The people she saw amazed her and worried her at the same time. She used a cheap camera to captu re pictures of everything she saw and documented It for the WAP. She wished for these pictures to be published, but they only went so far as to be exalted In New York.She also interviewed various people, each one intriguing her more and more (Prose). Through her experiences working with the Works Progress Administration, she got a huge feel of Southern life outside of Jackson. This was the starting point for her future in writing her stories. Location was of great importance in Welt's stories. She believed that place was what made stories seem real and complete. One of Welt's famous quotes is, â€Å"A place that ever was lived in is like a fire that never goes out. Jackson was her home all of her life, and it was what she knew best. She Incorporated this familiarity and Intimacy so flawlessly into her work and It is this that draws the reader in. It is so apparent that heart Is put Into her writings. Although most of her stories are set In the deep south, most critics Greer that he r work Is all-inclusive and not narrowed Just to southern living, language, and customs (Moloch). She Is able to detach from what she knows best and observe other aspects of the world.Neither of her parents were originally from Living in New York for a few years also broadened her horizons. She said it best when she said, â€Å"Through travel I first became aware of the outside world; it was through travel that I found my own introspective way into becoming a part of it. † With all of her experiences tied together piece by piece, story by story, Eduardo Welt became a well-known, award winning writer (Discussions). Eduardo Welt explained in her autobiographical work, One Writer's Beginnings, how her fiction stories grew from this â€Å"sheltered life† that she lived.This book was published later, in 1984, and consisted of three different lectures that she gave at Harvard University, with the sections being titled: â€Å"Listening†, â€Å"Learning to See†, and â€Å"Finding a Voice†. She used this book to give an explanation of what makes a writer become a writer and to show her natural roots. She explains how she converted this part of her life into a new and different perception, and from this, she wrote her fiction. Using a series of expressive memories, she described in detail her life as she was growing up.She used memories that she felt were â€Å"significant†, which kept the reader wanting to read more, instead of growing bored. She says it best herself in only a few sentences: â€Å"Long before I wrote stories, I listened for stories. Listening for them is something more acute than listening to them. I suppose it's an early form of participation in what goes on. Listening children know stories are there. When their elders sit and begin, children are Just waiting and hoping for one to come out, like a mouse from its hole. (Welt) Welt's first published short story of her career was written in 1936 called â€Å"De ath of a Traveling Salesman†.She sent this story, along with a letter, to the editors of a magazine called Manuscript. The magazine published her story and her letter in their June issue. The story was very well written for it to be her first, and showed that she knew what she was doing. Two admired publications, the Atlantic and the Southern Review, allowed Welt's work to appear their magazines within Just two years Cones). Her talent in her first story was recognized by the author Katherine Anne Porter. Porter went on to write a complimentary preface for Welt's first book, A Curtain of Green, full of Welt's short stories.This introduction boosted the American awareness of Welt's work. Welt's first novel, Delta Wedding, was published in 1946 (Discussions). A few decades after Welt's career launched, around 1956, she began having troubles at home. Her brother's arthritis became more severe, disabling him and also causing heart problems. Just as this problem occurred, Welt's mo ther had a series of strokes. The strokes took a huge toll on Welt's mother, and it left her all but blind. More problems followed these already troubled times. Her other brother fell into a depression, and it wasn't his first.He was also afflicted with the same arthritis that had taken over their brother (Mars). For almost ten years, Welt fought through many battles, seeing family members and friends close to her suffer through illnesses, some less fortunate in their struggle than others. Theses hardships limited her writing, but in the long run, they only made her and her work stronger. She was finally able to finish her novel, Losing Battles, in 1970 (Vandalized). This was the one piece of work that took Welt the longest to make. In reviewing the book for the

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Airline industry analysis by Porter’s Five Forces Essay

The Airline industry provides a very unique service to its customers. It transports people with a high level of convenience and efficiency that cannot not be provided by any other industry or substitute. Airline companies pride themselves on the way they treat their customer during the flight. They have things such as food, drinks, entertainment, and a welcoming staff. The service of transportation is provided in other industries but the airline surpasses all of them when it comes to timeliness. The geographic scope of the airline industry is at a global level. Some firms are able to fly their planes all over the world while others focus on smaller geographic areas. The five forces model is one way to answer the first basic question in strategic management; â€Å"Why are some industries more attractive than others?† This model shows the five forces that shape industry competition; threat of new entrants, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of suppliers, and competitors. In order to analyze the airline industry we have look at each of these forces. Bargaining power of Buyers The airline industry is made up of two groups of buyers. First, there are individual flyers. They buy plane tickets for a number of reasons that can be personal or business related. This group is extremely diverse; most people in developed countries have purchased a plane ticket. They can do this through the specific airline or through the second group of buyers; travel agencies and online portals. This buyer group works as a middle man between the airlines and the flyers. They work with multiple airline firms in order to give customers the best flight possible. Between these two groups there is definitely a large amount of buyers compared to the number of firms. There are low switching costs between firms because many people choose the flight based on where they are going and the cost at the time. This is some loyalty to firms but not enough for high switching costs. Each customer needs a lot of important information. They need to know the details of what  is provided during the flight. Buyers need to understand the timing of the flight and the safety aspects of flying in general. The service provided is unique. Each airline has a niche. Some airlines focus on cost, while others focus on having the best amenities, etc. Overall the bargaining power of buyers has an extremely low threat in this industry. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Next we look at the bargaining power of the suppliers. In this case the major suppliers are the airplane manufacturers. The top two manufacturers in the world currently are Boeing and Airbus(Odell,Mark). In this industry the inputs are extremely standardized. Airline companies only seem to differentiate with amenities. The planes are very similar. Currently some manufacturers are trying to make their plans more ecofriendly. Airline companies cannot easily switch suppliers. Most firms have long term contracts with their suppliers. Planes are such high capital products that firms probably make long term loan agreements and have more favorable credit terms when they don’t switch companies. It is difficult to enter into the plane manufacturing industry because of the capital needed to enter. The amount of money and expertise needed to make even one plane is around 200 million dollars. For this reason there are very few suppliers in the airline industry. Airline firms are the only source of income for these manufacturers so their business is extremely important. Based on these things the bargaining power of suppliers has a low threat as well. Threat of New Entrants Threat of new entrants is another major aspect of the five forces. This aspect has a low threat for the airline industry. There are two aspects that do however raise the threat level. First, there are extremely low switching costs. Second, there are no proprietary products or services involved. Even with these two aspects the industry still has a very low threat overall. Existing firms have a large cost advantage. This industry requires  a large amount of capital and without a strong customer base there will be little to no profit in the first few years. Existing firms can and will use their high capital to retaliate against newer firms with whatever means necessary such as lowering prices and taking a loss. Although there are low switching costs between brands, consumers tend to only chose well-known names. Airline tickets are expensive so people don’t want to give that money to firms they don’t trust. There is also a huge safety aspect involved and most consumers feel safer with firms that have been around for a long period of time. This industry requires plane and flying experience which also lowers the threat of entry. When firms decide to enter the market they first have to become licensed which can take about a year. After that they are constantly being regulated by several organizations such as the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Transportation. The time and money spend to solely open an airline company is enough to prevent most people from entering the industry. Threat of Substitutes After looking at the threat of entry it is important to also consider the threat of substitutes. This industry has a medium substitute risk level. There are substitutes in the airline industry. Consumers can choose other form of transportation such as a car, bus, train, or boat to get to their destination. There is however a cost to switch. Some means of transportation can be more costly than a plane ticket. The main cost is time. Planes are by far the fastest form of transportation available. Airlines surpass all other forms of transportation when it comes to cost, convenience, and sometimes service. Consumers do sometimes choose other methods for various reasons such as cost if they are not traveling very far which raises the risk. Rivalry among Existing Players The last area of the five forces is the rivalry among existing players. The rivalry in the airline industry is very intense for many reasons. The industry is currently very stagnant. It seems to be in the mature stage of the business cycle. The number of competitors stays the same in the long run  and it doesn’t seem to be under or over capacitated. The fixed costs are extremely high in this industry. This makes it hard to leave the industry because they are probably in long term loan agreements in order to stay in business. The products involved or the planes are highly complex which also heightens the competition. The competition is lessened by the brand identities of different firms. For example, Jetblue is known for its amenities and Southwest is known for its low prices. The market share seemed to be equally distributed because each company has its own part of the market and because switching costs are low none of the firms can really hold a large percentage of the market. The strongest forces in this industry are the competition of existing firms and the power of suppliers. The rivalry of existing players is high and will push out any firm that doesn’t have enough capital. Suppliers are strong forces because planes are so costly to make. If the suppliers changed the credit terms by even a small amount it could mean a significant loss for the firm. On the other hand the other forces involved seem to have a weak threat. It is costly and time consuming to enter the market which lowers the risk of entry. Buyers have a weak force because of the low switching costs and substitutes are weak because they are usually too costly. The profit in this industry is high because for most people flying in necessary. It is not a trend which makes this industry profitable for the long term. Airlines that are more profitable are in a better position because they usually have more planes and a larger variety of flights which provides further convenience for the consumer. Recently there have been some changes in some of the forces. Some airplane manufacturers have been making ecofriendly planes, which is a change in the bargaining power of suppliers. This would differentiate the products, raising the threat of suppliers. Another recent change is the use of web portals such as Expedia to book flights. This positive change creates a whole new group of buyers and makes purchasing flights faster and easier. The increase in gas prices has also been a positive change for the industry  because it lessens the power of substitutes. People are more willing to fly to their destination if driving would be more expensive. After looking at the Five Forces Model firms should make dealing with the competition their main priority. The other areas in the model seem to have an overall low threat so existing firms don’t have to focus on those areas as much in their business strategy. Now that we have brought you through our Porter’s Five Force analysis, the last thing that is important to consider when exploring an industry, are the dominant economic features. The next section of our report will give you an overview of what features affect the airline industry most.