Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Annotated Bibliography by Kapil Muradhia Professor

Kapil Muradhia Professor- Danielle Cochran English-101. 600 September 16th 2012 Annotated Bibliography In 20th century, every human being on the earth is familiar with television, internet and other form of media. We can see the effect of these forms of the electronic media in our daily life. It is helpful to us in lot of ways. The following bibliography reveals the different aspects of electronic media. Bissel, Tom. â€Å"Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter† † They Say I Say with Readings. Eds. Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst, Gerald Graff.New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. 349-362. Tom Bissell in â€Å"Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter† emphasize the importance of video games in our life. Tom supports his affection with the video games by telling his story with a popular video game â€Å"Fallout-3†. He also compares different modes of entertainment, like movies and novels, with video games. According to Tom, Storytelling is the most important t hing for the movies, novels and video games, but video games storytelling is counterfeit.Tome states, even though the video games are frustrating sometimes but he will keep returning to this form of entertainment. Gladwell, Malcolm. â€Å"Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted† They Say I Say with Readings. Eds. Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst, Gerald Graff. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. 312-328. Print. Malcolm Gladwell in his article â€Å"Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted† explains the point that why we don’t need to tweet the revolution on social media.To prove his point, he takes the example of a Black revolution from 1960. Malcolm points out, how a revolution started by four students became huge without the help of any social media. Malcolm also believes in power of social media. Any revolution can turn into bigger size, if social media is used, according to Malcolm. Malcolm states that Facebook and Twitter are tools for keeping up with the people you would never meet or following the people you never met. Stein,Jeannine. â€Å"Watching T. V Shortens Life Span, Study Finds†.Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, January 12, 2010. Web. January 18, 2010. In â€Å"watching T. V Shortens Life Span, Study Finds† Jeannine Stein reveals the fact that how watching T. V every day is shortening our life span. Australian Heart Association conducted a study on 8800 men and women and they found that eighty five percent of them, who were watching T. V for one hour every day, were patient of obesity and diabetes. Jeannine says that watching T. V for one hour every day will raise the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 18%.Jeannine believes that we need to spend our time in some physical activities rather than sitting in front of T. V. Johnson, Steven. † Watching T. V Makes You Smarter† They Say I Say with Readings. Eds. Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst, Gerald Graff. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. 277-294. Print. â€Å"Watching T. V. Makes You Smarter† by Steven Johnson is an idea that if we watch T. V, it will make us smarter. In order to support his idea, Steven is comparing the different television shows shown in different time period in the United States television history.Steven is trying to prove, what is good for our children and what is not. Steven believes that television is a tool of brain enhancement. Steven states that instead of keeping the kids away from violent shows or tawdry content, the real challenge for the parents should be whether a given show engages or sedates the mind. Steven believes that smart culture is not something that we force on our children, it is something we share. Stevens, Dana. † Think Outside The Idiot Box† They Say I Say with Readings. Eds. Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst, Gerald Graff.New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012 295-298. Print. Dana Steven’s â€Å"Thinki ng outside the Idiot Box† is a huge criticism of the idea that watching TV makes us smarter. Dana believes that if watching TV makes us smarter then we need to watch a lot of TV or watching TV should be the only thing to do in our life. Dana states that grown-ups should be trusted to judge their own shows. According to Dana, she would love to watch a lot of TV, if she gets paid for it. Dana thinks that the idea of considering the T. V. as tool of brain enhancement is hilarious.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was one of the most influential and beloved President’s of United States history.   However, his death is shrouded in mystery.   When all is said and done, conspiracy theorists have left virtually no stone unturned in an attempt to explain the tragedy of November 22, 1963.   Clearly Lee Harvey Oswald was present and did shoot a gun.   But did his bullet kill JFK?   Did he act alone?   Many people have their own ideas of what really happened that day.One common theory is that the Cuban government ordered a hit on the President.   The President had attempted to invade Cuba, and though the plan failed, Castro knew that further plans were in the works.   Likewise, Kennedy had made several unsuccessful attempts on Castro’s life.  Ã‚   Getting rid of Kennedy would certainly enable Castro to keep control of Cuba (Anders 1993).A similar theory is that anti-Castro Cubans killed Kennedy.   Perhaps they were hoping that if the suspicion were focused on Castro, America would demand retaliation.   Later, evidence seemed to surface from a former Castro operative that Oswald was actually hired by the Cuban government (Anders 1993, McAdams 2004).   With Oswald’s death, the facts of these reports could not be verified, though Castro staunchly denies this report.Similarly, Russia, the US cold war opponent, was bothered by JFK’s youth and erratic nature.   He would be capable of elevating the cold war to a full blown World War III.   With the introduction of nuclear technology, the fear of a US strike on Russia was also a concern.   Therefore, the Russians planned the assassination.   In a related theory, this order came from Nikita Khrushchev himself (Anders 1993).Another popular theory is that the mafia ordered a hit on Kennedy.   Initially, some big name crime bosses such as Sam Giancana worked with Jimmy Hoffa and the teamsters to get President Kennedy elected, particularly through votes in Ohio ( Unfortunately, President Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy, the US Attorney General, had later stepped up prosecutions of mafia members to an unprecedented high (Odoni 2005; McAdams 2004) J. Edgar Hoover, who was not friendly with President Kennedy, was due to be forced into retirement from his position of the Director of the FBI.Hoover had a history of neglecting to prosecute mafia members.   His retirement would mean mean the end of these favors, especially if JFK appointed his brother Robert to that position. After Kennedy’s death, Hoover remained as the head of the FBI for ten more years. During that time, mafia prosecutions fell dramatically. James Files, a mafia hit man, actually confessed to the murder, indicating that Giancana had ordered the hit.   Oswald’s killer, Jack Ruby, was a small time gangster with a few major mafia connections.   He could have killed Oswald to silence him (Odoni 2005).Two equally argued theories that are more alarmin g are those that implicate the United States itself.   Many suspect Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson.   He gained the Presidency after Kennedy’s death, though he was not liked by the public; Kennedy was planning to drop Johnson from his ticket in 1964.   He was involved in four major criminal investigations involving bribery, money laundering, contract violations and misappropriation of funds, at the time of Kennedy’s death.In fact, Kennedy often complained that he had been manipulated into appointing Johnson by the FBI and that Johnson acted as a spy for J. Edgar Hoover.   After he became President, Johnson’s criminal investigations were dropped (Ayton no date). Another US based theory is that the CIA itself had killed the President to cover up or redirect attention from its new practice of assassinating foreign leaders.   The Church Committee was formed to look into this possible scandal but concluded that while the CIA was increasing in national and international power, it was not responsible for the death of the President (Ayton no date).The Warren Commission heard testimony from 552 witnesses and 10 federal agencies over the span of 10 months as it investigated the assassination and all the related conspiracy theories.   Published in October of 1964, it concluded that, basically, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, shooting three bullets from the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository (McAdams 2004).The single bullet that wounded Connally and killed JFK hit him from behind as the motorcade passed by the Depository. However, the issue has not been laid to rest.   Four of the seven members of the investigatory team seemed to indicate skepticism about the Commissions findings (McAdams 2004).   Several individual pieces of the Commission's findings also have been called into question since its completion.Kennedy was struck by two bullets.   One hit him in the back, and one hit him in the head.   The second h it killed the President.   The single bullet theory was born because Oswald’s gun would not have been able to fire fast enough to hit both Kennedy and Connally with separate shots (McAdams 2004).However, the idea that a single bullet traveled through Kennedy’s back, exited his throat, passed through the seat of a car, entered Connally’s back, exited his chest, passed through his wrist and entered his thigh has been seriously questioned by evidence from eye witnesses, including passenger Nellie Connally, and forensic evidence (McAdams 2004) Now this theory is known as the magic bullet theory.   The bullet which had such an incredible journey ended up on a hospital stretcher in near pristine condition (McAdams 2004).Medical examinations and missing x-rays and autopsy pictures also add to the mystery.   Kennedy was taken first to Dallas’ Parkland Hospital where 44 doctors and medical staffers claimed that the exit wound was at the back of JFK’s head.   This would have been impossible if the shot came from the Depository and lended itself to the grassy knoll theory (Odoni 2005).However, two doctors at Bethesda Medical Center, the second hospital Kennedy was taken to, reported that the exit would was at the front of the head (McAdams, 2004).   Why then did over 44 doctors and medical staffers claim that the wound was at the rear of the head?   X-rays that a Parkland Hospital technician claims to have taken have never been found.   Pictures of the autopsy that emerged up to four years after the assassination are suspicious and do not match accounts given by witnesses.All in all, the Warren Commission seemed to ignore 44 doctors and 20 eye-witnesses at the murder scene.   Other evidence was destroyed.   Governor Connally’s shirt from the day of the shooting was dry cleaned at Johnson’s request within 24 hours (McAdams 2004).   The car carrying the Kennedys and the Connallys was immediately cleaned a nd refurbished instead of being thoroughly examined for ballistic evidence.   This was also ordered by Lyndon B. Johnson (McAdams 2004). Any forensic evidence that may have been provided by these items was lost.Nobody will ever really know what happened that day in 1964.   However, it seems that the â€Å"facts† are clearly not what they seem and that the Warren Commission did not delve into the discrepancies too   deeply.   The theories mentioned here are all viable theories that were not examined closely, if at all, by the authorities. The idea of a â€Å"magic† bullet is preposterous.  Ã‚   It seems that something is being covered up. But what?ReferencesAnders, P. (1993). An Introduction to JFK Conspiracy Theories. Stay Free 4. Available from:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ [accessed 10 August 2006]Ayton, M. (no date).   Questions of Conspiracy. Spartacus UK. Available from: [accessed 10 August 2006 ]McAdams, J. (2004). The Kennedy Assassination. Available from: [accessed 10 August 2006]Odoni, Martin. (2005). Who Killed JFK?   Current Affairs. Available from:     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [accessed 10 August 2006]

Personal Reflection Journal Entry Essay

During times of our lives we deal with stress. For instance, we stress about things from home, financial situations, and jobs as well. I know in dealt with stress in the past and also dealing with it right now. I try to find many ways with coping with my stress by exercising or doing other things to reduce the excessive tension. The term stress is the response of individuals to stressors. Stressors are events that threaten individuals and tax their coping abilities. I was in situations where my coping abilities where threaten. For Instance, last year I was going through a time I had major damages to my vehicle where I couldn’t drive for almost 2 months. I didn’t cope with it very well because I needed transportation to get back and forth to work; I was briefly going to school as well. During the 2 months all I wondered was, how I was going to get my car fixed and how was I going to come up with money. By doing that made things worst. Another stressor I’ve dealt with was, dealing with being unemployed for 6 months. It was times I coped with and other times I didn’t do so well with it. I didn’t worry about being unemployed at the beginning because I was fine financially and if I couldn’t find anything I could always reapply to my previous employer in 2 months. Things got worst when I found out we were moving once again and my mom didn’t have the money she needed to prepare to move again and started to worry me. The reason why I because, don’t like to see my mom struggle and as I embrace being the man of house I start worry about getting a job and coming up with the money to help my mom out. I attempted to try to get my old job back which I felt optimistic about the interview, but as I was waiting patiently for a phone call I never received one. So I decided to call them and they decided to go with another person for the job. I was very disappointed and lost focus on other things I had to deal with in my life. When I was faced with stressors, my body readies itself to handle the assault through a number of physiological changes. The term General adaptation syndrome (GAS) is the common effects on the body when stressors persist. The GAS of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. My stress in my life caused me to loss my appetite at times, stayed to myself; and didn’t want to talk about my issues. The stress on my Immune System  didn’t cope very well. On the job dealing with being critique and major task changes lead to having migraine headaches and a more sinus infections. Environmental Factors whether its big or small produces stress. Life events and daily hassles are things we deal with regularly. One of them is the lack of study-time I had when I first started college a couple of years ago. That came about by me working crazy hours at work and I couldn’t my full effect into my school work which led to me not doing so well. Another daily hassle I’ve dealt with was not getting enough credit on my job for my hard work. I stressed over this because I felt like I was being overlooked for certain job positions and barely got any appreciation for what I do at my job. Another everyday experience that is stressful for me is conflict. Approach/approach conflict is conflict in which the individual must choose between two attractive stimuli or circumstances. My conflict was choosing between keeping my current car and getting a brand new one. I couldn’t go wrong with either decision I would of made because I liked both of the vehicles, my current was finally back in good condition, I don’t have to make payments and its my first car. The new car I looked at was a car I really wanted for quite sometime but at the end I decided to keep my old car and wasn’t disappointed with the decision and didn’t any regrets. Avoidance/avoidance conflict is when the individual must choose between two unattractive stimuli. I dealt with this when I had an oral presentation in high school. I was very nervous about presenting in front of class so I wanted to go last but I didn’t want grade to neither and their were times I didn’t want to show up but I decided my grade was important with through with doing the presentation and got A. That moment was very stressful for me. The approach/avoidance conflict for me was me deciding to eat Chinese food or not. Although it’s delicious but it was something I couldn’t eat because I was trying to lose weight. I handled giving up on well and lost the weight since I gave up on Chinese food. The daily hassles produce me into an overload and started to burnout. This term is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion that includes a hopeless feeling, chronic fatigue, and low energy. Burnout came about in my life when I was working full-time and going to school full-time for two years straight. My body was breaking down and I fatigue on a daily. So I decided to make adjustments in life and  made an unpopular decision by quitting my job and focus on school. That took less pressure off me. In conclusion, in the past, I didn’t cope very well with stress. I took two self-assessments based on I’m vulnerable am I to stress and Stressful events in my life. Based off the two assessments, it showed how stressed I was and couldn’t handle it. The things I do now to adjust stress in my life are that I start to think about the positive/negative effects of stress. I think over major decisions before doing it so. I made a lot of adjustments so I can have less stress in my life. If something major happens, I try not worry about it so much because I’ve realized things happen its apart of life. I managed to make adjustments at home, work, and school by getting things done early, stop worrying over certain situations and most importantly I started to enjoy life more and stressed less.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Law for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law for business - Essay Example If the representations are received late, the director may instead ask that the said representations be read during the meeting. He may also be allowed to speak in the meeting on his protest against the intention to remove him as director. These are all provided for in Sections 168 (entitled Resolution to remove director) and 169 (entitled Director’s right to protest against removal) of the Companies Act 2006 (Companies Act 2006). Going to Cretins Ltd. (or Cretins for short), the plan of Joan and Mike to remove Phillip out as a director of the company will depend on its membership structure. Whatever it is, the process will have to be in accordance with the afore-cited Sections 168 and 169 of the Companies Act 2006. If the only three directors, Phillip, Joan and Mike, are also the only members or shareholders of Cretins and they own the same number of shares, the process will be very simple. Since it will be a concerted effort of Joan and Mike, all they have to do is first requisition for a general meeting of the members where they will submit a resolution to remove Phillip. Pursuant to the procedural due process mechanism set out in Section 169, Phillip has to be served with a notice of the intended resolution to remove him. Phillip is entitled to submit written representations to protest against his removal. During the said meeting, Phillip is likewise entitled to speak out. At any rate, all these remedies available to Phillip will become moot and academic because Joan and Mike will ultimately vote for his removal as is their plan. The requirement of the law is an ordinary resolution which means that the vote of the members needed for the subject removal is a simple majority (THE FREE LIBRARY BY FARLEX). As stated, the circumstances in the preceding paragraph are on the assumption that Joan, Mike and Phillip have the same number of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

JFK Assassination and Conspiracies Research Paper

JFK Assassination and Conspiracies - Research Paper Example This alleged attack caused serious wounding to Kennedy along with the injury of Connally himself. After approaching to the hospital, the death of Kennedy was announced thirty minutes later, by the hospital, named as Dallas Parkland. Kennedy was 46 at the time of his assassination. Vice president Lyndon Johnson was elected as the 36th president of United States on the same day. November, 25 was announced to be the day of Kennedy’s national mourning, in which hundreds of Americans lined up in the streets of Washington in the respect of Kennedy. JFK’s assassination has been backed by numerous theories up till now. The investigation of ten-months done by Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the murder of Kennedy. Lee Harvey has been investigated to act alone in the killing of Kennedy. The conclusion given by the Warren Commission was highly supported by the American public, with the percentage of 80, between 1966 and 2003. In 1998 the CBS polling resulted that, 76 percent of Americans believed JFK assassination, as a fact of conspiracy. Lee Harvey used to work in Marines, in 1936 and discharged from there in 1962 (Kurtz 56). He was originally from New Orleans. His return to the United States was in 1962, along with his wife and an infant child. It has been also investigated that, in early 1963 Oswald bought a .38 revolver along with a telescopic sight. He bought both of the equipment by mail order. In October 1963, Lee joined Texas School Book Depository building as an employee. The record of Lee had always been involved into some illegal activities, as a criminal. It is concluded to be Oswald, firing the bullets on Kennedy. He got arrested within half an hour after playing shots on the president Ruby, who was also connected to the criminal world. Lee Harvey Oswald was shot to death, by Jack Ruby. On the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Impact of TESOL Continuing Professional Development programs (CPDs) Research Paper

Impact of TESOL Continuing Professional Development programs (CPDs) - Research Paper Example Impact of TESOL Continuing Professional Development programs (CPDs) Therefore, despite the numerous continues development programs available, the success of such programmes are measured by how best such trainees are able to transfer knowledge gained to their respective duties, skills improvement, in addition to job performance. Due to developments in information technology, there are increasing perceptions that ICT has resulted in major improvements in education, and may transform the learning process when implemented effectively (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005). However, there are still arguments that discussions on ICT improving education are far-fetched, and that ICT has not always resulted to outright improvement of such programs (Smeets, 2005). Therefore, effectiveness of such teachers training programs related to ICT and other platforms have resulted in different findings depending on how such learning programs are implemented in different learning environments. This paper examines the challenges and impact of various professional training programs on both teachers and students. The article investigates several research papers on professional training programs, and outlines various findings to make a general summary regarding the impact of such programs. Short in-service teacher training (INSET) courses are one way in which the skills and knowledge of teachers may be revitalized through enhancing their skills and knowledge on specific aspects.... INSET courses are aimed at facilitating and stimulating new ideas in teachers and as a platform for teachers to meet and share with new colleagues their experiences and skills. However, the impact of the INSET courses according to Lamb may not be effectively realized without proper follow up of the participants. The motivation and stimulus gained by teachers is fast eroded and teachers are frustrated when trying to implement all newly learned ideas; teachers enroll in such professional development courses to learn new ideas, but have difficulties applying the learned concepts and ideas in a static learning system, which does not encourage or facilitate them to apply such ideas (Lamb, 2005). This brings about tensions and frustrations in teachers. However, Bridges (2007) in a controlled group trial on the effectiveness of INSET reports the group actually registered impressive growth in skills, though on what the researcher termed as cautious positive results in an intensive immersion INSET. A study on Tanzania primary teachers on INSET programs showed that such INSET trained teachers were much better in introducing and developing lessons, in addition to involving students in class group work, which was found to improve learning (Hardman & Dachi, 2012). However, in another study, Bridges (2007) asserted that multiple assessments resulted in a lower self-reporting as the participants did not have enough time to express their concerns in the learning process. Despite this, INSET was found to have a varied degree of positive growth in knowledge acquisition. This reveals that measurement of the programme’s success in this case has to be based on enough feedback from such teachers, and how best class lessons improve. One way to measure the success of INSET programme in

Friday, July 26, 2019

England during the 1700s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

England during the 1700s - Essay Example Although these higher-ranking officials were usually more loyal to the English interest than other members of a settlement may have been, their word was not final: in a court, for example, a judge ruling in accordance with English precedent could have his say overturned by a colonial jury. On paper, the British governed the colonies, but in practice the English government was overrun with colonial legislation, as well as the aftermath of its seventeenth-century civil war. Even when the Crown attempted to interfere directly with colonies, for example to combine them, this failed, and even had the opposite effect – colonies split, such as Delaware and Pennsylvania in 1704, and the North and South Carolinas in 1712. British rule was more often than not ineffective, and could easily be swayed according to the wishes of the colonies. 2. What was the theory of mercantilism and its application to British colonies in North America? The theory of mercantilism, which can be strongly lin ked to ideas of nationalism, was a facile but nonetheless popular form of economics; it had a stronghold on economic thought from the Renaissance to the nineteenth century.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Management - Essay Example Gadgets such as Amazon's Kindle and Apple's iPad which also doubles as an eReader are garnering huge popularity among the readers and book lovers alike. Furthermore with the increasing penetration of internet in almost all walks of life, a significant change in the patterns of reading and behavior of book readers is being observed worldwide. The consumers have shown a greater acceptability of such new gadgets and the publishers are cashing in on the popularity to drive their sales and increase their profits. The popularity of e-book readers can be estimated from the rising sales. According to statistics (see figure 1), the sales of eReaders in the first quarter of 2011 rose to 236 per cent, totaling 4.8 million units. It is expected to further rise to 27 million by the year end (Digitimes Research, 2011). Figure 1: According to research, Amazon is expected to be the frontrunner and retain its industry dominance by capturing approximately 60 per cent of the market share, followed clos ely by Barnes & Noble which is likely to settle on the second spot, followed by Sony. Challenges for the industry players The major industry players in the e-book reader market include Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony and Apple. Amazon has emerged as a strong player in the market, although Sony was the first company to initiate the product in the U.S. markets with its state of the art technology. The launch of Kindle has since far surpassed the sales of all other electronic book readers available in the market. However, on account of new entrants such as Google for instance, which is taking giant strides in digitizing books from all major libraries the current industry leaders are likely to face serious competition in the near future (DailyMarkets, 2011). With record number of sales observed in the first quarter of 2011 and strong predictions for the rest of the year, it is highly likely that the market for eBooks and eBook readers is going strong and growing steadily. More and more pri nt editions such as newspapers and magazines have also joined in the eReader bandwagon owing to its incredible success. However, one of the greatest challenges faced by this industry is that of rising concerns over piracy. The publishers are wary of the proliferation of pirated copies floating freely on the internet, supported by the ease of pirating such copies and converting them in digital formats. There is a high and urgent need for product differentiation in the industry. Publishers are yet largely unaware of the choices of formats preferred by the readers of online books and the popular sections such as Science, fiction, non-fiction or academic books and target their customers accordingly (Dillehay, 2001). With regard to markets geographically, North America is likely to continue as the biggest market for e-book readers accounting for approximately 72 per cent of the global market share. However, at the same time newer markets are constantly opening up such as Europe, Japan an d China. The global market for eBook readers is likely to reach 63 million units as shipments, by the year 2014 (Digitimes Research, 2011). 2. Comparison between Border Books and Barnes & Noble on the following grounds: a. Approaches taken by Barnes & Noble and Border Books to respond to the changes in the e-book market With the advent of new technologically enabled gadgets and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

E-government Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-government Model - Essay Example These studies indicate a definite trend whereby the researchers have utilized various means of analyzing and assessing user behavior to arrive at a logical conclusion regarding the factors influencing them to adopt e-government services offered by the government. For instance, Reddick (2005) has utilized a systematic approach to study the citizen behavior by observing their interaction with the government. Such observation acts an effective tool in analyzing citizen behavior and attitude and affords the researchers in estimating and understanding the concerns and grievances of the citizens and overcome them to achieve desired results. The successful adoption and implementation of any e-government model depends on the attitudes of the users, which in turn is influenced by a combination of factors such as perceived usefulness of the e-government model as well as socio-cultural influences (Chen and Thurmaier, 2005; Kumar et al., 2007; Al-Shehry et al., 2006). According to Venkatesh et a l., (2003) the term social influence refers to "the degree to which peers influence the use of the system". It could be either positive or negative and is the key factor that motivates / de-motivates individuals to adapt to a given situation. Various studies have indicated that the collective culture of a country provides an informative insight into the manner in which people behave and their likely reaction towards a new situation (Carter and Weerakkody, 2008; Dimitrova and Chen, 2006).

The Idea Behind The Veneration of Relics Research Paper

The Idea Behind The Veneration of Relics - Research Paper Example According to the New Testament, an old woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for quite a while found a way out. â€Å"Seeing Jesus in the crowds, she told herself "I only need to touch the hem of his garment, then I will be healed" and Jesus, who felt the power leave from him, turned to the woman and told her that her faith had healed her† (â€Å"The origin of relics†). Relics are present in almost every religion. Christians, Muslims, and Hindus have their own relics that have huge significance in the historical literature of these religions. Muslims consider the Holy Water of Zam Zam as sacred. It is also considered as an antidepressant. Hindus bathe in the River of Ganges because they believe that doing so would make them free of their sins and would purify their souls. People believe relics to be solutions for their problems as human beings. Relics are considered as the blessings of God Almighty. They are not just objects but are actually means of spiritual revival and enlightenment. For example, the Holy Water is thought to have many positive effects on the people who drink it. The veneration of relics People has huge regard for the relics as they are the belongings or in some way connected to the people they revere. People who possess relics show respect for them in many ways, which include placing the relic at an elevated place in the house and decorating the relic in beautiful and costly frames. Most people feel honored and blessed to have a relic while others are ready to pay any cost to attain one. The veneration of relics has sustained through history as a custom, which originally encouraged people to visit the martyrs’ graves in the reign of the apostles. It was and is still believed that God shows miracles related to the relics. â€Å"In all, relics remind us of the holiness of a saint and his cooperation in God’s work; at the same time, relics inspire us to ask for the prayers of that saint and to beg the grace of God to live the same kinda faith-filled life† (Saunders cited in â€Å"What is a Relic?†). However, some people go so ahead in their veneration for a relic that they overlook the significance of the Creator, whose obedience gave the saint the status that his relics are being preserved by people, and give the relic more importance. This makes it rather a sin. First class relics are composed of a saint’s physical body. It could also be the physical body of any individual whose sainthood cause is meant to be fostered. First class relics can be a range of features in the physical body that include but are not limited to a hair, fragment of a bone or dust collected from the coffin of the saint or the individual. The relic is held in place with the help of melted wax. â€Å"Any relic related to Our Lord is also considered first class. A splinter of the True Cross upon which Our Lord died is an example. The Eucharist is considered the highest first-class relic but it is never housed in a theca† (â€Å"First, Second, & Third†). Rather it is offered as Holy Communion to the people who practice religion.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Is current UK IT law relevant when applied to the cloud computing Dissertation

Is current UK IT law relevant when applied to the cloud computing - Dissertation Example Make recommendations as to how users of the cloud should approach the problem and recommendations for future change to the legislation. 4. The Main Deliverable(s): A critique of current IT law when it applies to cloud computing. A review of how cloud computing or will change the legal context for IT operations management. A set of recommendation for cloud computing users and suggested updates to UK IT law to deal with the problems that come from cloud computing. 5. The Target Audience for the Deliverable(s): Potential users of cloud computing IT legislators 6. The Work to be undertaken: In this research essay, I would concentrate on the following: How to use the services of CSPs without infringing the UK’s laws like Data Protection Act, etc. What are all the safeguards and protection mechanism to be undertaken while using CSP services? Recommendations to initiate adequate measures to safekeeping the data while they are stored with CSPs who are located outside UK jurisdiction. 7. Additional Information / Knowledge Required: The researcher should have additional knowledge on USA Patriot Act if UK companies want to use cloud services offered by US based companies like Microsoft, Amazon and Google Inc. Besides UK laws, the researcher should have extensive knowledge on European Data Protection Directive, intellectual property laws, contracts act, Criminal Procedure and Investigation Act, 1996 (CPIA, 1996) and so on. 8. Information Sources that Provide a Context for the Project: The information and data have been sourced for this project from previous empirical studies, peer viewed journals, books written on the subject on the subject by eminent authors, from online sources, and from sources available from the online libraries. 9. The Importance of the Project: Availing the services of a cloud service contractor and having lost the control over the data processing is an issue relating with security. The problems that emanate from the infringement of the data d emonstrate the confronts that the cloud customers witness when things go haphazard in the cloud atmosphere. Making an in-depth analysis of the risks associated is vital before venturing into the use of the service of a CSP and if the risks are controllable, managing them through incorporating appropriate clauses in the contract. Businesses should exercise more vigil and should not opt for cloud computing purely on the cost basis by ceding poignant control over their data, which may land them later for data infringement offences later. Further, by encrypting the data, business can adhere with residency and jurisdictional needs by maintaining the encryption keys within its jurisdiction in spite of the actual physical placement of the data. 10. The Key Challenge(s) to be overcome: The boiler plate CSP contract should be replaced by an authorised contract for CSP contracts which should have the following clauses: the security of the data of the business to be guaranteed by the cloud com puting service provider; the cloud service provider (CSP) should use data only for the purpose mentioned in the contract, and he should be held accountable if the data is either misused or for non-business purposes: the data handler to inform to the data owner immediately if there is any breach of data or security so as to take immediate precautionary steps by the service

Monday, July 22, 2019

Diet & Hypertension Essay Example for Free

Diet Hypertension Essay Hypertension or High Blood Pressure, as it is commonly called, is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is chronically elevated. With each heart beat, heart pumps blood through the arteries to the body. Blood pressure is the pressure or force with which blood is pushed against the walls of the blood vessels. If the pressure is too high, the heart has to pump harder which in turn can damage the body organ and cause illnesses like stroke, heart attack, heart failure, or renal failure. Hypertension in India is emerging as a major health problem, that is more prevalent in urban than in rural India. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80, where 120 represents systolic measure (highest pressure in arteries) and 80 represents diastolic measure (lowest pressure in arteries). A pressure of 140/90 and above is considered hypertension. Hypertension can be due to many factors namely- 1. Sedentary lifestyle 2. Lack of physical activity 3. Obesity or overweight 4. High salt intake 5. High intake of processed food items like- chips, bakery products, cheese etc. 6. Stress 7. Aging 8. Excessive alcohol consumption 9. Genetics and family history of hypertension However, hypertension can be easy to control if diagnosed at an early stage and with lifestyle modifications. Changes in diet and increase in physical activity levels can have a great impact on controlling high blood pressure Reducing salt intake: Salt is known to be an important cause of hypertension. Therefore, a diet low in sodium, viz. recommended sodium intake- 1500mg, which is equivalent to 6gm salt or 1 leveled teaspoon of salt, is suitable for body and heart. DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet that recommends 1500mg sodium intake, along with high intake of fruits and vegetables is known to have beneficial effects in controlling blood pressure. Though the market is flooded with processed foods, they are a complete NO for hypertension or heart patients. Processed foods like- breads, chips, nachos, processed cheese, ready-made soups, cookies, etc. are high in sodium in the form of salt or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Now-a-days many food companies are producing salts with â€Å"low sodium content†. However, they are excessively high in potassium, and excess of any mineral is deleterious for the body. Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables have a positive impact in controlling and maintaining blood pressure within the recommended level. Fruits are primarily a source of minerals and most important amongst them is potassium. Besides minerals, the high fiber content is healthy for the heart. Watching your weight: Diet rich in carbohydrates and fats is calorie dense. Excessive calorie intake and eventual weight gain is harmful to individuals with blood pressure. A diet with more complex carbohydrates, proteins from pulses or lean meat, high fruit and vegetable intake helps not just to maintain weight but is also heart healthy. Products like- chips, processed juices, cookies, instant noodles, cakes, achars, papad, namkeens, nachos are high in salt/sodium and are not suitable for hypertensive individuals. However, food without salt is difficult to sustain for long period of time. But, there are substitute that can be added to your daily meal that will help make the food palatable and interesting. Salt can be substituted with lemon juice, vinegar, mint chutney (with raw mango and less salt), imli chutney to add taste to your meal. Eating in moderation and physical exercise are mantra for healthy life!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Implementing A Mandatory Recycling Program

Implementing A Mandatory Recycling Program In a world where global warming and going green are common terms in the English language, it can sometimes be difficult to decipher what it all means and just what the individual can do to help. Recycling is a major issue today and though there is controversy about whether it is necessary and how necessary it may be, implementing a mandatory recycling program is imperative for the environment and the people that live in it. Recycling comes with many benefits and prevents problems such as pollution and habitat destruction. Currently, our recycling programs are poor, and in order to improve them, a mandatory measure needs to be taken. Some oppose to it because they claim that it is expensive, ineffective, not as environmentally sound as other options, and does not provide the job opportunities needed. All of these oppositions are not valid or strong arguments and will be proved wrong. Recycling is necessary to the earth and its inhabitants. Recycling can be defined as reprocessing discarded solid materials into new, useful products.  [1]  It can reduce water pollution which would then protect species and reduce habitat destruction. Recycling reduces air pollution as well which would then reduce the effects or process of global warming. Further, it reduces solid waste disposal as well as energy demand which make fuel supplies last longer. Creating a program to require recycling from everyone would clearly benefit a variety of environmental processes. Individual households as well as workplaces produce five major types of materials that can be recycled. This includes paper products, glass, aluminum, steel, and some plastic. In order to understand the benefits of a mandatory program, the two ways recyclable materials can be reprocessed need to be addressed. The first way is called primary or closed loop recycling. This is where waste is recycled into new products of the same type. For example, a newspaper is recycled b ack into a new newspaper. The second way is called secondary recycling or downcycling. This is where waste materials are converted into different products. For example, a newspaper is recycled into cellulose insulation. There are two different types of wastes that can be recycled; preconsumer and postconsumer waste. Preconsumer waste is generated in a manufacturing process and recycled instead of being discarded. Postconsumer waste is generated by the consumers use of the product. Both types are equally important to be recycled. Theoretically, anything can be recycled but it comes down to two important things. These two things are important in deciding how the mandatory program will work successfully. The first question that needs to be addressed is will the item be recycled? In the process of separating the wastes collected for recycling, some of it gets mixed with other wastes and sent to landfills or incinerated. Secondly, will consumers actually purchase the recycled products an d complete the cycle to make it profitable? In aid to a mandatory program, it would help if the government required a label that indicated how much of the product contained recycled material.1  [2]   Our recycling rates are poor, and seem even worse when comparing them to the rates of other developed nations. Both Switzerland and Japan recycle about half of their municipal solid waste or MSW, while the United States only recycles about thirty percent of its MSW. With a mandatory recycling program, studies show that the US and other developed countries could recycle sixty to eighty percent of their MSW. Some believe that we do not have a problem with our waste management. If the previous percentages were not enough, then the following statistics are more than convincing. The United States wastes enough aluminum to rebuild the countrys entire airline fleet every three months; enough tires each year to encircle the planet almost three times; about 2.5 million nonreturnable plastic bottles every hour; enough office paper each year to build a wall eleven feet high across the country from New York City to San Francisco.1  [3]  Clearly, wasting what could be recycled is a big issue in America. Requiring citizens to recycle would help reduce the severity of these waste problems. Now that the different types of recycling and the magnitude of the recycling problem has been outlined, claims to why we should not implement a program can be easily, successfully, and intelligently declined. It is argued that recycling is more expensive than trash collection and disposal. However, when designed right, recycling programs are cost-competitive with trash collection and disposal.2 When comparing costs of both methods, the cost of curbside recycling is usually compared with the cost of conventional disposal alone. The fallacy here is that with recycling, the costs of collection and disposal are displaced. Instead of this comparison, the average cost of collection and disposal should be compared with the overall average cost of collection and recovery. Through this comparison, the costs are very impressive.2 Additionally, the United States spends five-hundred million dollars a year on picking up litter.1 Mandatory programs would lower this number significantly. It has been found to be true that recycling is expensive in some communities. However, it needs to be noted again that when done correctly, it is much cheaper. Recycling costs less than traditional trash collection and disposal when communities achieve high levels of recycling.2 The communities that the data is reflecting an expensive program are still recycling at very low rates and are treating recycling as an add-on to their traditional trash system rather than as a replacement for it.2 This is often the problem when critics are evaluating the costs of a program. They often treat it as an add-on cost, and [it is] therefore expensive. 2 Baltimore Maryland is a great example of how you should transition into the program. They use the same trucks to collect recyclables as they do trash, separately and at different times. By doing this, Baltimore made their upfront costs minimal and created no increase in their solid waste budget.2  [4]  The economics of the entire situation improves when recycling is not an add-on to trash disposal, but it is integrated into the process. It is falsely assumed that we can only recycle twenty-five to thirty percent of our waste. This number was considered a maximum in 1985, however today it should be considered a minimum and a much higher percentage is achievable.2 Currently the US does only recycle about thirty percent of its MSW. Because of these two statistics, those opposed to the program often think of this percentage as a cap. However, this is untrue. Although the amount of solid waste generated has leveled off individually, it has continued to increase on a national scale and there is therefore more potential waste to be recycled. Rates of what is being recycled have increased dramatically since the 1980s and early 1990s. The growth of the recycling programs is especially responsible for the increase. A dozen states are recycling about thirty percent or more of their MSW, but among those states communities are recycling up to fifty percent.2 These numbers are much higher in these communities and are continuing t o grow because of aspects of programs they have implemented. They have put into effect waste prevention strategies, convenient services such as curbside and drop-off, economic incentives, and resident participation. If all of these strategies and more were implemented on a federal level to require a recycling program, all of our statistics would improve. 2 The third argument that those against recycling programs use is that landfills and incinerators are more cost effective and environmentally sound.2 However the truth of the matter is again, when designed correctly, recycling programs are cost competitive with their competition. Further, recycling programs provide pollution prevention benefits. When recycling, the pollution normally generated from landfilling and incinerating materials is avoided, and the environmental burden of extracting virgin materials and the manufacturing process is reduced.2  [5]  Even with low landfill tipping fees, it is still the preferable option to recycle. Currently, twenty two states have less than ten years of landfill capacity left.2 Some southern states even have as low as five years. Now, why is this important to know? We need to look towards the future. The new landfills that would need to be created could cost much more than the ones that are here today.2 Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has issued that municipal landfills must install liners and leachate, the liquid that drains from the landfill, collections systems. Because of these new regulations, hundreds of landfills are closing, and fewer and larger privately owned landfills are remaining open. Fewer landfills results in increased transportation costs. As of now there might not be scarcity in land for new landfills, but new landfills are being created large distances from population centers. Long hauling and disposing municipal solid waste at distant landfills is already costing some cities on the West and East coasts between $40 and $70 per ton.2 These privately owned landfills may increase these costs. Studies show that privately owned landfills are much more expensive than publicly owned landfills by twenty percent, and publicly owned ones provide greater control over disposal activities. This all means that the existing landfills are a precious possession and recycling extends their lives.2 Although lack of land is not currently the problem for new landfills, communities do not exactly want to be dumped on. Therefore, a policy that reduces the burden on the environment and on local communities from the transportation and dumping of trash should be put into place.2 Incinerators are very expensive and recycling would be much more cost effective. Tip fees at incinerators built between 1989 and 1993 average $60 per ton.2 Incinerators built more recently have had to lower tip fees simply to compete with other disposal facilities. Montgomery County, Maryland is a great example of the how expensive the option of incinerators is. Montgomery County had to raise taxes to property owners just to cover the operating costs of its newly built incinerator after it lowered the facilitys tip fees in order to attract waste.2  [6]   Claiming that landfills and incinerators are more environmentally sound is not a valid argument. Even the best landfills contaminate groundwater from eventually leaking. As far as incinerators are concerned, thirty percent by weight of trash enteringà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦exists as ash.2 This ash is a waste that contains high levels of toxic residue. Furthermore, they emit carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and other acid gases that landfills do not. One study found that Floridas largest incinerators were burning significant amounts of recycling materials. This is due to the fact that contracts are requiring governments to bring a certain amount of waste to incinerators. These contracts are posing a major disincentive to maximize recycling or waste reduction programs.2 In summary, although landfills and incinerators may have some benefits, they are preventing us from moving forward and implementing more environmentally friendly and cost effective methods. We need to plan for the future because what is cheap and easy now will not be in the future. It is much easier to prevent a problem, then to fix the problem once it is already out of control. The next myth about recycling is that landfills are significant job generators for rural communities, and recycling programs would take these jobs away. However, the fact is that recycling creates many more jobs for rural and urban communities than landfill and incineration disposal options.2 Simply sorting the recycled materials alone would provide ten times more jobs than landfilling. The biggest pay-off though is making new products from the old products. So many aspects of the recycling process provide thousands of jobs. New recycling-based manufacturers employ even more people and at higher wages. Recycling-based paper mills and plastic product manufacturers, for instance, employ 60 times more workers than do landfills. Product reuse also sustains significantly more jobs than disposal options. Computer refurbishing repair, for example, creates 68 times more jobs than landfills.2  [7]  There are 25.5 million tons of durable goods discarded into the landfills in American each year. If just half of them each year were reclaimed through reuse, over 100,000 new jobs in the recycling industry would be created alone.2 Recycling is entirely sensible from an economic standpoint.3 There are doubts about just how willing citizens would be to adapting a new waste disposal method. As we can see from this problem, it is evident that many households do not recycle at all. It is a valid point to question, would people even go along with a mandatory program? The answer, through polls, is yes. A survey conducted with Wisconsin residents discovered that ninety-six percent responded that they believe their recycling efforts are worthwhile.3 Although some may argue the statistic would be lower across the board of the United States, a number that high is very promising. It does not seem difficult to educate people on the environment so they understand why it is necessary for a program. Regardless of the doubts some people may have, a recycling program is extremely necessary for the people, the United States, and the whole planet. The benefits of recycling should diminish any doubts. Arguments against a program have all been proven to be weak arguments and even the biggest issue of economics has been addressed. It is a much better choice financially to implement a full recycling procedure. In a world where global warming and going green are common terms in the English language, everyone should be able to say they are doing something to help. Everyone should be able to say they are recycling.

Multiculturalism And Non Verbal Communication Cultural Studies Essay

Multiculturalism And Non Verbal Communication Cultural Studies Essay Every part of world follows different culture in all aspects such as business, education, food habits, etc. The world is full of confrontations between people who think, feel differently. Culture is not inherited it is learned. Intercultural studies teach us the cultural difference between people, so this is essentially needed for us to reach out globally, especially in business and workplace. To understand cultural phenomenon it is essential to use cultural paradigms .Cultural differences are unpredictable and confusing this leads to frustration for people who works in different culture head or global business customs. Migration from one culture to another culture is a big culture break which Is very difficult to cope up with it, for example, a manager from Sweden moves to Indonesia to manage an Indonesian company will be a big problem for both because Sweden is task-oriented work culture, but Indonesia is hierarchy-oriented work culture. Migrating from collectivism to individualist ic or vice-versa also have serious impact and face problems. Learning other culture means one should not change their character and mimic local culture, that would create even worse problems, so be yourself and respect local rituals, habits and tradition and act accordingly. Cultural dimensions are really important to know before making any joint ventures or partnership with other culture following people, because something which is good and correct in ones culture will be bad or wrong in another culture. For example, an American company joint venture with Japanese ,the meeting was held in Japan where American representatives his speech in a loud and expressive manner, this made Japanese tensed because speaking loudly and in expressive manner they consider as angry so this clearly shows cultural dimensions are really important and essential in intercultural studies and to understand cultural phenomenon. The culture is the way of living, human behavior is changes and it is depending upon culture. Human behavior differs from different culture, there are various risks of using culture as an example for human behavior in some culture using left hand for handshake or giving any documents is totally bad, but in some culture they prefer left hand when these two culture meet together there developed a negative impression on the human behavior and the culture. Trust between two cultural people gets lost which led to breakdown in business. In some culture women talking to others men expect their relation or friend is a crime especially in Muslim counties, on the flip side many culture men and women are considered towards equal and no restrictions for women. In country like India eating with the left hand is considered as a bad habit, but most westerners are left handed prefer eating in left hand. But these type of behavior is depends upon their culture one should not blame or comment on it. S o people going to global market should aware of all these cultural behavior and understand their culture to have a healthy business relationship. 2. COMMUNICATING NONVERBALLY Nonverbal communication is also called as body language that we communicate without using words at all. People of the other culture will misunderstand our body language just as they may misinterpret the words they speak or write. Fortunately however, we can learn highlights of another cultures nonverbal language much quicker than verbal language (Richard R Gesteland: 2002). Understanding nonverbal communication is very important if we if there is a different cultural meetings because body language of one culture is different and have different meaning in another culture, it may even create an negative impact on people. Nonverbal communication plays a great role in field of business even today. Cultures are varied like very expressive, partially expressive and reserved cultures each have different body language. There are four facets of body language which is very important in cross culture negotiations such as spatial behavior, touch behavior, eye contact and gestures. These play a k ey role in negotiating globally. These nonverbal communications is not only important in business field but also between nations, persons, etc. For example, Former Pakistan president Parvesh Musharaf visited India for a peace talk when there was a handshake with Indian president it was very light handshake, finally the peace talk was failed. This clearly shows how the body language plays an important role globally. The study shows that in business field worlds plays only 7% remaining 93% depends on the body language. Even one is very efficient in speaking can grab the audience attention, not having a good body language message is send to audience before the word goes. Personality development trainings or some business training always give main importance to the body language in first place. Lets see some of the examples of nonverbal communication which is misinterpreted from the other culture. Example 1- Once American business man visited Italy for a business meeting, they were travelling in a car heading to Milan from Florence. Italian colleague drove the car at 145km/hr, when the Italian started discussing about important negotiations, instead of looking the road he started to look American face and his reactions. This made American really scared and he started driving from the half the way. In expressive culture like Italy will like to read your eyes and face when they talk, direct eye contact is critical in their culture .On the other side intense eye contact means in many part of Asia such as Japan, Singapore, etc they think you are to intimidate them or stare them down. Eye contact is the prime factors in business dealings. Example 2- Raising eyebrows many international negotiators will encounter raised eyebrow in many parts of the world. Raising eyebrows is different meaning in different part of the world for North American raising eyebrow means interested, in Germany it means clever,for Filipinos it is a way of saying hello for Chinese it means disagreement .If a Filipino goes to china on a business trip and raised their eyebrow for saying hello, There will be a misinterpretation by Chinese which can cause problems in the talk. Example 3- Index finger pointing In east and south East Asia it is considered as rude to point anyone with forefinger instead can use whole hand flat with palm down. In country like India pointing index finger is considered as an insult, this not the case in American and European countries. When doing business with Asians this is the one of the important body language to be considered. Example 4 -Raising thumb is considered as a universal sign of saying great, but in German it represents numeral 1, But in eastern Mediterranean and parts of Europe it means rude sexual sign. One should be careful in the gestures and body language when going globally. These four examples are sample of body language and how it can misinterpret other culture. Nonverbal communication is critical in international business to overcome misinterpretation intercultural studies and knowledge is very important. 3. MULTICULTURAL TEAMS Multicultural teams has become common because of lot of joint venture organizations globally and outsourcing of the big companies, for example Swedish company joint venture with Japan company, where both Swedish and Japanese tend to work together ,solve problem together. These types of multicultural grouping have lot of positives and also have many challenges because of cultural variations. In this essay we will see about lot of dimensions like how to improve peoples intercultural conflicts, how to get effective cooperation among multicultural team, etc. Multicultural teams are very effective in improving creativity and innovation, it provides better decision making, for example, in an American -German joint venture Germans are technically very rich so they can guide the company in technical way whereas Americans known for their marketing and management skills can reach their market globally. Problem solving either it may be old or new, people coming from multiple cultures can provide better solution. This kind of grouping also minimizes pressure in the work place which occurs when there are like minded people works together. There is a big chance of market opportunities, increasing productivity, expansion of organization, increases business image, multicultural team is critical for success of organization. There are more challenges to face in multicultural teams it can be a success of organization or it can create major crash in organization. Diverse group confronting different values, experience, educational systems, character mainly language. These mingle of various culture creates lots of differences between each other which is leading to internal conflicts, these are mainly because of communication problems. There is a greater possibility of frustration and dissatisfaction in job leading to high turnover of team members. The diversity in the team often having problems in reaching consensus and taking decisions, this is due to ambiguity, miscommunication, and language barrier. When there is a meeting where decision have to be taken, it leads to never ending debate, diversity in agreement of specific plans, etc, these problems paves way to major drop in productivity so there is a mistrust between organization and workers these causes stress in the organization .Another important fact or is people of same culture tend to go along well because of same language, values, background creating inferiority complex with heterogeneous culture peers. Different culture have their own values to follow these values also create great impact on the team performance. For example, A German-British joint venture company where Germans consider technical competence is a high value prepared very wee for the meeting, where as the British in turn skimmed through the papers and shared their point of view. This made Germans more irritated and commented British have lacking technical knowledge which made them to ask stupid questions the example clearly shows cultural values may even affect the relationship between fellow partners. In task-oriented culture specific job is given to individuals where they tend to take whole responsibility if something went wrong. On the flip side collectivist culture the job is given people share their work and the final decision is taken by the boss if something went wrong individual is not blamed whole group takes responsible. When these two cultures mingle each other confusion occurs while working, it may go eve n worse when problem occurs affects the organization so badly. Managing the multicultural team is very important in an organization .If I was leading a team with multicultural peers, I would like to provide proper training to the team mates where they will learn values of different cultures, other cultural dimensions. In my point of view learning cultural dimensions will give background of other cultures, dissolves problems like miscommunication, etc. Insisting lots of group discussions which makes tem members to learn lot of stuffs like tolerance, views, etc. Encourage lots of interaction between peers which ultimately results in growing friendship and make them work comfortably. As a leader one should be more professional verbally, should teach juniors should not boss them, equality should be maintained between all members, trusting the fellow members are the prime factor for effective cooperation. Specific task should be structured, Communication skills should be developed, and the art of patience should be developed between team members. The se factors create effective cooperation in team and make the work place healthy and successful environment. Intercultural competence is a process of how we perceive others and how they perceive us. Intercultural communication competence is basically important in work place, developing the communication skills is the prime way to achieving it. Specific knowledge about the subject should be trained. Culture, religious beliefs, sensitive issues of other religion, importance of values should be trained. Team integrity should be developed to make team members comfortable working with fellow peers this can be done by group discussions, games where all the team members involving and performing specific task .social skills should be developed, equality among the members should be developed, the ability to maintain relationship. These factors really help in improving intercultural competence in a multicultural team. 4. WOMENS SITUATION IN BUSINESS Women situation is different in different area; this is because of the culture in their countries. Unlike men it is not easy for women to enter into the business world even though they are more skillful. They need to their maximum output to prove themselves; these kinds of practices are mostly seen in hierarchical cultures. In Muslim countries women are not allowed to enter into business, their job is to take care of the house and children. If a women working in Muslim country they should be very careful in their way of dressing, ways in maintaining relationship with fellow mates. Women are facing many challenges than men in business and all fields, Men may try to give comments on women beauty, hair, etc which may be disgusting to hear this leads to frustration in work. In some male dominant culture, women are not allowed to develop after a certain level even if they are more eligible than the opposite sex. Equal opportunity is not given to women this is because mens think women are slow moving and take decisions late. Most women are given job like receptionist, secretary, etc. Security issues are major problem for women in some countries secured floors are especially build for women entrepreneurs to avoid problems. After a business meeting women representatives are not allowed to enter parties showing difference of gender which will affect social and relationship (partys are meant for gluing relationship).In some cases women are not allowed to share their idea in a meeting male managers dominate without getting views of fellow mate this may also affect the or ganization. In some places maternity issue also plays a major role restricting women to grow in an organization. Moreover majorly women faces sexual issues and threats these are majorly in low developed countries. The prime factor is to develop a self confidence and courage is needed for women in business field, women can accord status in business situation by developing professionalism, strong relationship, learning the culture, code of conduct and values other culture who they are doing business with. Strong communication skills and dominant knowledge is also essential. Female are given equal importance in field of business especially in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, USA, and other European countries. To overcome the problems women facing in business field can be overcome easily. Women should like a reserve manner with business colleagues, being over-friendly and open might cause problems. When entering hierarchical culture, prefer higher rank official to give introduction and explain their qualification before starting a meeting this makes people in the meeting to get attention .In Muslim country women can also be successful by knowing their culture and acting according to it, women must be very careful in dressing and have to keep good relationship with colleagues ,interact in professionalism ,have to be subtle and non threatening manner. If a people tried to use words in wrong sense should not react to that. If a male colleague tried to put hand and take advantage instead of creating problems a big no is more than enough to end the problem. Women should be more courageous in business field than man .Deal the problem patiently, consult and make decision with fellow workers. Do n ot wear jewels and carry lot of money when going to under developed countries. Before going to place where they practice other culture try to study their culture and act accordingly. Thrash your inferiority complex when entering male dominant society. The world is changing and there are more women entrepreneurs coming some of them made a very big impact in business field. Equality in gender is already following in lot of countries, mainly in developed countries. Still there are many countries where they are fighting for women rights. To avoid this inequality proper education is given to people and the law should enforce for equality between genders. For example in Sweden women are given equal importance in every field which made them high in success ratio than in male dominant culture.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

An Analysis Of The Video Like A Prayer By Madonna :: essays research papers

An Analysis of the Video "Like A Prayer" by Madonna Madonna first arrived in the national popular culture in 1984 with her song "Borderline". She moved very quickly in the ensuing years to make several records (many of which have gone multi-platinum) and to take several world tours with sold-out concerts, and has caused quite a bit of controversy in what she has done in the public eye. Examples include posing nude for Penthouse magazine (and announcing afterwards that she was not ashamed for doing it), marrying (and subsequently divorcing) actor and media-avoider Sean Penn, creating a fashion trend (which was primarily popular with teenage girls), and making truly atrocious movies which the critics hated and the people refused to see (the only two exceptions are Dick Tracy and Truth or Dare, her controversial yet fascinating self-documentary about her tour of the same name). It seems that Madonna seems to enjoy attention, good or bad, and it seems like she feeds on her own controversy. Her songs, and the music videos which accompany them, are no exception to this. However, the things she does and the images she projects requests contemporary society to reflect on itself, and to possibly re-create itself in innovative and inventive styles. Perhaps she always breaks with convention because she sees things in a different light than the rest of society. This essay shall focus on the video which accompanies the title track from her 1989 album, "Like A Prayer," which certainly had its share of controversy. Probably the most startling image in the music video was that of several burning crosses on a lawn or a hill. These crosses were in the background, while Madonna was facing the camera and singing. When I saw the music video for the first time, this particular section of the video made me sit up and intently watch my television screen. The first things I thought about were, "She's a very outspoken woman for doing this! Boy, she's got a lot of nerve! I believe she was raised Catholic, and she's making a mockery of the Catholic Church by doing so! The Pope would be offended, to say the least!" The radical approach to dispose of any religion (or a person's religious or pious fervor) is at least shocking. The cross is the symbol of Christianity and all it stands for. Seeing the cross engulfed in fire -- which symbolizes (and is) a destructive force -- would be very disturbing for anyone to see, Christian or not. I sat up and took notice, and I'm not even Christian -- I am Jewish. Furthermore, the fact that

Friday, July 19, 2019

Robert Mondavi Corporation Essay -- Business Marketing, Case Study, so

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 2. BACKGROUND OF THE CASE STUDY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 3. ANALYSIS & IMPLICATIONS OF PORTER’S FIVE COMPETITIVE PRESSURES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..7-17 3.1. The Potential Entry of New Competitors 3.2. Competitive Pressures from Substitutes Products 3.3. Bargaining Power of Buyers 3.4. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 3.5. The Rivalry among Competing Sellers 4. ANALYSIS OF THE STRATEGIC GROUP MAPPING†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.18-20 5. KEY SUCCESS FACTORS OF THE WINE INDUSTRY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦21-23 5.1. World famous growing areas 5.2. Larger growing market for premium wines 5.3. Favorable demographic and macro trends 5.4. Quality and affordable prices 5.5. Product differentiation 5.6. Different wine segments 5.7. â€Å"Open markets† 6. RECOMMENDATIONS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.24-27 6.1. Positive cash flows 6.2. Backward integration 6.3. Expanding to new geographic areas 6.4. Exploring new channels 6.5. Openings to extend quality and image to niche market 6.6. Further mix channels of export strategies 6.7. Clever advertising 7. CONCLUSION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...28 8. LIST OF REFERENCES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦28 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides thorough analysis of the Robert Mondavi Corporation (RMC) in order to give a best solution to Michael Mondavi, the CEO of the company in terms of the problem face by the company. It begins by examining the internal and external forces that greatly affect RMC by applying Porter’s five forces of competitive pressures to investigate the status of competition of wine industry in U.S. as well as their implications. Analysis of the strategic group mapping is important in order to give a clear position of RMC’s competitor in the market follows by each company’s characteristic. Next, it is essential to analyze the key success factors of U.S. wine industry that contribute RMC in considering its future competitive strategies and changes that should be taken by the company accordingly Finally, recommendations are provided for RMC for its future expansion’s strategies. 2. BACKGROUND TO THE CASE STUDY RMC is a leading producer and marketer of table wines, located in Oakville, California. RMC markets wines worldwide un... ... 8. LIST OF REFERENCE Allick, C. and Blankfort, T. 2002, ‘The Robert Mondavi Corporation’, Instream Partners LLC, viewed on 30th Nov 04, . Burns, M., Crescenzi, D., Ghaleb, T., Gichuru, I., and Parija, B. 2001, ‘Beringer’, viewed on 10th Dec 2004, . Eyler, R.C. 1999, ‘The International Competitiveness of the California Wine Industry’, North Bay Regional Collection, viewed on 30th Nov 04, . Franson, p. 2002, ‘Wine industry drinks from bitter cup at industry conference’, Napa News Dot.Com, viewed on 1st Dec 04, <>. Silverman, M. and Castaldi, R. 1999, ‘Competition in the Global Wine Industry: A U.S. Perspective, viewed on 29th Nov 04, . Silverman, M., Gilinsky, Jr., A., Guy, M. and Baack, S. 2001, ‘Robert Mondavi Corporation’, viewed on 10th Dec 2004, . Spritzer, A.A. 2002, ‘The Wine Pact: ‘New World’ Wine Change the Industry’, viewed on 1st Dec 04, <>. Thompson Jr, A.A. and Strickland III, A.J. 2003, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 13th edn., McGraw-Hill Higher Education, NY.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Read and Respond to: Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue Essay

Amy Tan is a passionate writer of books such as â€Å"The Joy Luck Club† and other published works. Now that we have read her text read her text â€Å"Mother Tongue†, we learn new things about her as a writer. In my first response to Amy Tan’s passage I described her as a self-motivated author as I read what motivated her to write. She introduced readers to her mother, a woman who enjoys reading Forbes and listening to the Wall Street Journal talks. This gave us as readers a clue that Amy’s mother was used to reading more advanced pieces. Amy tan tells us about her mother’s English and how it sounded â€Å"broken† or as if something was â€Å"missing† every time she talked. While at the same time, her mother’s way of speaking English sounded natural and real to Amy, and I think this could be a reason she chose â€Å"Mother Tongue† as her title. While Amy described herself as a rebel by nature, she pursued her passion to become a great write for herself, and for her mother, while disproving all negative assumptions about her. A good example of this when she started writing fiction. She mentions in her article that most sentences although grammatically correct, had an in-authentic sound to her and unnatural. In other words she was probably writing something â€Å"mother wouldn’t approve†. I go back to when Amy Tan mentions that she enjoyed disproving assumptions made about her while she was starting out. She was told that her English was not good enough to be a writer and still pursued her goal and worked hard to become a great writer. She gives off a sense of pride and accomplishment when she writes that about how she knew she had succeeded as a writer when her mother finished reading her book and said to Amy, â€Å"so easy to read†. Mother Approved. As a personal opinion, I think most people are not like Amy Tan. In the sense of us sometimes not being passionate enough to truly follow what we want and work towards it regardless of what other may have to say. There are many influences out there and must learn to only pay attention to those that will help us get closer to our goal and ignore the rest. As a good friend of mine once told me; It’s not that don’t care about certain people, it’s just that at this very moment where our goals are constantly in our minds, we need to focus and let go and only stick to what will help us accomplish our goals.

Case Analysis Ford Motor Company Essay

Introduction pass oer drive ac community is one of the largest external automaker in the world and start of the Detroit Big Three, along with GM and Chrysler. Since its extraction in June 16, 1903, track has gone by legion(predicate) ups and low-spiriteds. Competition from domestic and international manufacturers, internationalization, advancements of technology and the great economic downturn in 2007-2008 meant that hybridisationisationisation had to rethink roughly(prenominal) of its strategic decisions if it had to survive in the grocery store stray. When henry ford started the c tout ensembleer, vilifyroad cars were a luxury strong that could whole be afforded by the rich. He wanted to provide these fomites to the general popular at an affordable price, because crossing believed that this harvest-feast had the emf to transform society. As such, he foc utilize on overlapion and submit chain competency related to the carrying start of the assembly line manufacturing process and crosss vertically integrated try chain to produce railway cars at a mass scale. The US auto grocery store was primarily dominated by the US Big Three, only when this changed during the primaeval 70s and 80s.The improver in flatulence prices and need for fire effectual vehicles truisming machine consumers seeking out for japanese imports, which met the untested burn down efficiency standards. The foodstuff place already was beginning to ascertain private-enterprise(a). In entrap to act, cut through well-tried to contract it costs by lay mutilate its take to the woodsers and send asidets, whereas the need was burn down effectual cars. crossroad later re realizeed nearly of its market place in 1988 by diversifying its product offerings by buy luxury European brands. It tapped the Chinese market as well beating GM in 1997. crossroad had to cut many an(prenominal) of its workforces and sell many of its plants during these p eriods in articulate to keep costs at a minimum level. The economic downturn of 2007-2008 saw the locomote manufacturers taking a elephantine hit. They were reduced to a position where they requisite to ask the US authorities for a $34 billion bailout. umteen uncertainties remained as to what had to be done to sustain in the future.The biggest strategic change came with the decision to wage Alan Mulally in 2006. Mulally made many legal and grave changes to crossings embodied structure, such as, the ONE Ford plan to create a leaner, more efficient pla engagementary enterprise and return the company to cyberspaceability. Under his guidance, Ford had to structure its constitutional subscriber line as it was the only management to survive in the highly competitive market. Every step taken by Ford has been stakey, but they make believe yielded result. Ford has overcome challenges of grueling competition, economic clinical depression and threat of bankruptcy. It is a pri me fount of how exceptional leadership and strategic skills croupe help overcome firmlyships despite nettled measures.Situation abbreviation3I Analysis quick CompetitorsFord Motor play along is operational as one of the leading competitors in the US travel grocery with 18.4 % of the gist market sh ar. The cardinal major competitors of Ford be Chrysler Group LLC and General Motors (GM) with market sh atomic number 18s of 11.4% and 20.4% respectively. These leading players of the US Automobile market, together, atomic number 18 cognize as The Detroit Three and ar operating as the key topical anaesthetic competitors of the US market. Among the other major globose competitors of Ford, Toyota and Honda atomic number 18 competing with market shares of 10.5% and 8% respectively. be CompetitorsComparatively smaller players of the US Automobile market whitethorn pose a threat to Ford Motor Company in near future. Competitors such as Kia (4.3%), Hyundai (5.6%), and Nissan (6.8%) are also trying to heavily hold their position in the machine market. Mazda, BMW, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Volvo, and Suzuki are also operating as impending competitors of Ford within the automobile market, contributing to 26.3% of the remaining market shares. These competitors preserve potentially extend their business operations in future and change their strategies that may directly or indirectly alter the operations of Ford Motor Company. nonvisual CompetitorsIn spite of potential risk factors, the automobile industry of US is a lucrative industry to compete in. Hence, china and India are expected to expand their automobile business to US very soon. mainland China has already displayed automobiles of Brilliance, Geely, Great Wall, and BYD at the US Auto Shows. BYD specializing on send away efficient cars may pose a major threat to Ford Motor Company in future. The European market weed also break down apotential threat by launching new and sustainable automo biles in the US market and may fall out due to pass on innovation and sustainable manufacturing processes.General analysisEconomicGas prices quadrupled during the 70s and 80s when the Middle east OPEC nations halted exports to the US and other European nations. The global economic downturn of 2008 saw the US auto sales declining by 37% compared to the last category. Ford, GM and Chrysler had to go to cap DC to ask the government for $34 billion bailout. In 2011, the earthquake in Japan disrupted output signal and show upnt gas prices affected consumer demand.Political/sound parvenue vehicle sales in 2009 received support from the federal government when US president Barack Obama sign the currency for Clunkers bill into law in June. Rules and regulations on vehicle mileage and emission standards are established by the federal government. by and by talks with the automakers, the Obama Administration eased the requirements to 54.5 mpg, with a 3.5 percent per year increase i n fuel efficiency for light trucks done 2021, but kept the requirement for passenger cars at 5%.EnvironmentalWhen a great earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in March 2011, Japanese automakers and split suppliers experienced major disruptions in their operations and declared that productions would probably not prepare normal levels in the beginning fall. The change magnitude global focus on sustainability and need to phrase alternate causality sources for vehicles, increasing existence has led to increase in fuel demand, thus leading to higher(prenominal) gas prices and an increased impact on the environment. belatedly the Obama Administration and the auto manufacturers were in negotiations over new standards that could reduce global melt emissions by millions of tons per year and step-down crude imports by billions of barrels during the liveness of the program.TechnologicalTodays consumers are technology-savvy than ever before and with the vast fall of information avail able on the earnings they beat overture to an almost numberless total of information to compare products to settle down the vehicles that impinge on their needs. An alternative to fuel known as biofuel or farm fuel E85 might reduce US dependence on outside(prenominal) oil and dumbfound a domestic industry that supports farmers. hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are til now in the early stages of cookment but have the potential to reduce US dependency on foreign oil significantly and lower emissions that cause modality change.SocialMany of the newer models of cars target the multiplication Y buyers, as they are important to automakers because they help set trends, from popularizing social media sites to technologies. attention analysisthreat of product substitutes juicy.In the 70s and 80s, the three large US automobile manufacturers which produced larger, heavier and less fuel efficient vehicles saw decline in sales eyepatch sales of Japanese imports, which met the new effi ciency standards, increased. Electric/gasoline baroned hybrid vehicles are the most widely used alternative powered vehicles today and many companies offer fully electric vehicles as well. As the population increases, roads and highways become more congested. Many urban areas are developing or enhancing public transport systems such as light rail systems and subways, as well as increasing bus routes and schedules.Intensity of rivalry HighThe US automotive industry faces heavy competition not only with with(predicate) domestic companies (Ford, GM and Chrysler), but from foreign competitors as well. In 2006, Ford, GM and Chrysler go about intense competition from foreign manufacturers such as Toyota, Nissan and Honda.Supplier power averageThe auto industry obtains resources from a wide array of firms globally. Although the number of suppliers has decreased since the recession, some of the survivors are growing and beginning to diversify. Many suppliers relyheavily on the auto i ndustry for a large grapheme of their revenue. Some suppliers even went out of business during the economic downturn and decline of the US auto industry, and more were hurt by the earthquake in Japan in 2011. It is extremely important for auto manufacturers to develop and maintain strong relationships with their suppliers to gain access to their best technologies and receive priority order fulfillment in case of visible or product shortages.Buyer power HighTodays technology-savvy consumers have access to a vast amount of information to compare products to determine the vehicles to meet their needs. Many well-informed consumers choose to storehouse and negotiate set between dealerships, art object others prefer not to negotiate pricing at all. As US manufacturers confused market share to their Asian competitors, they effected the need to revise their business plans to place a much higher priority on customer satisfaction, thus creating customers for life.Threat of new entrants HighFactors such as capital requirements, economies of scale, need for distribution line of credit and threat of retaliation make it unbelievable for a new entrant to emerge within the US. However, new entrants can succeed in the US market, as unmistakable by the Asian automakers. Automakers established in foreign markets have been able to gain a foothold by merchandise to the US and targeting a niche market. New entrants to the US auto market allow eventually come from China and India among others. trade and SalesFord is now focussed on building only the two remaining brands Ford and Lincoln. They now offers product mix to meet the demand of quite a little of all single outes They reach the customer through traditional media like radio, newspaper, TV commercials and by also evolution the social sites. They are also sponsoring famous shows and events likeAmerican Idol ServiceAccording to the J.D. spring 2011 Automotive performance, Execution and Layout study all Fords new er vehicles have bring in the fuel efficiency rating that were supra the segment average The F-50 truck is the only large pickup that received the demo for both performance and appeal in 2011Supportive ActivitiesHuman ResourceFord is best in cutting off companys employees to improve production or to face any awkward situation like exhalation for mannikin In 80s to cope up the waiver resulting of not having fuel efficiency facility it cut off its workforce and close plants In elevated 2001 Ford eliminate 4500 to 5000 of its salaried employees using early retirement incentives In early 2002 ford unlikeable 3 normality American assembly plants for which 35000 worldwide jobs were cutoff In 2006 Ford cut 25000 to 30000 periodical jobs and 12% of management positions. It further cut 10000 white-collar job. In 2012 it closed 14 facilities as part of massive restructuring plantTechnology developmentFord has invested a lot in the development of fuel efficiency and currently they have 12 vehicles with best in class fuel economy. Not only in fuel efficiency they are also improving in initial lumber and appeal(performance, execution and layout) Though they are laggards but atlast they managed to develop self-parking and blind item detection facility. In 2011 they invested in hybrid and plug-in-hybrid and they also introduced turbocharged EcoBoost V6 engine They are in the way to introduce intelligence vehicle technology Procurement Ford signed an agreement with Azure Dynamic Corp. to stack away plug in hybrid power trains in the F series topnotch duty trucks.Financial analysisMarket Share (in volume)From the above two pie charts, the market winners and losers in 2011 can be see financially with the number of cars and light trucks they sell compared to the market sales as a whole (in volume)Profit over metreThe following data represents Ford Motors net income from year 2001 to 2010During 2001, Ford has been in bad shape financially making a loss of $16241 2 million. From before that time Ford was having a hard time to come back and had undertaken downsize dodging from quite a time to lower its cost as per their profit structure. This trend continued in 2001 as well but the entrant of a CEO in July 2001 made a slight change in the strategy though it kept on with the legacy of downsizing, it also discontinued models that were unprofitable. Hence, with this strategy salary were expected but this didnt work out, mainly because of the unstable environment of the terrorist assault in September 11, 2001. From year 2002 forrader till 2005, Ford was making a bit of profit but subdued heavily relied on downsizing its employees from time to time. But Ford started making some major losses from 2006 onwards and in order to make this work Alan Mulally was establish as the CEO. Hence, it came in light that Ford needed a perpetrate restructure in order to cut down costs, lower its debts, increase its revenues, and earn higher profits.Hence , downsizing strategy continued as well but this time with the inlet of new products, discontinuing the outdated ones keeping up with changing consumer trends. With some great decisions the company was recovering and hence, lowered its net loss by 78% in 2007 compared to 2006 however, erst again unfavorable economic conditions in 2008 with global downturn pulled the net loss deep down which was more than the net loss made in year 2006 which resulted in the use of downsizing erstwhile again. With this Ford applied for bailed out funds, which was rejected and was the cause for their popularity gaining more customers. And hence, with proper planning, and complete restructure of Ford, it earned profits during 2009 and 2010 with powerful strategies. As seen in the graph below, Ford has definitely experienced lower sales from 2001 to 2010 but it managed to come back in 2009 and 2010 with providing cars that customer wants which they didnt follow earlier.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

White Blood Cell and Marks

A differential procedure of fresh decline jail cells from a longanimous gave the bsolute number of lymphocytes as 8000 per mm3 and the total number of white pipeline cells as 12,000 per mm3. take the percentage of lymphocytes in this sample of white linage cells. Is this a normal or vicarious percentage? exempt your answer. (4 Marks) serving of lymphocytes in WBC= 8000/12000 100=66. 67%, the normal values of lymphocytes in blood is 20%-40%. So this would be an abnormal percentage. 5. Describe the difference between a communicable ailment and an inherited disease.Use examples you ease up studied in this exploration to moderate your description. (4 Marks) A communicable disease is a disease that is transmitted from somebody to person for example, malaria. An inherited disease is a disease that is passed through genetics for example, sickle cell anemia. 6. Why atomic number 18 white blood cells in a stained blood smear usu exclusivelyy take careed at first gear offic e staff under a microscope? condone your answer. (2 Marks) They are counted at low power because they are much bigger than all other blood cells.If you try to count them on high power, you have to aliveness moving the slide and go forth believably lose count or commence confused. On low power, the other cells are much less visible and you will get a broader picture of the white cells which it makes it easier to get an accurate count. 7. Why is the social movement ofa larger than normal number of neutrophils fact mood of an infection? Explain your answer. (2 Marks) 8. Why would you non expect to see tissue macrophages in a blood smear? Explain your answer. (4 Marks)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is actually a safer alternative.Alternately, the American Medical Association (AMA) does not support smoked marijuana as medicine (1995-2013).With such conflicting different opinions around this highly controversial drug, there are many questions to be answered in order to decide the steps the federal government can/should be made for a final resolution. Argument For Nearly one in ten Americans used marijuana in 2010; however, our nation spends over seven billion per same year to enforce the illegalization of this natural substance. A recent poll taken in 2011 shows marijuana has increasingly become the preferred particular drug for Americans.Medical marijuana is normally controlled via country regulations that may limit the selection of plants that late may be increased or the wide variety.Dr. Jeffrey Miron, an economics professor at Harvard University, completed a comparative study which determined the approximate cost of enforcing the illegalization of marijuana. The report estimates legalizing marijuana would save, â€Å"$7. 7 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition.

Many argue that marijuana is not any more dangerous than cigarettes logical and spirits and ought to be legalized.). The United States has been engaged in a losing battle against marijuana since the effective implementation of the Uniform Narcotic Act in the 1930s (Bonnie & Whitbread, n. d). We are not only wasting $7.So why Marijuana old has to be penalized.2 billion if it were taxed like alcohol or tobacco† (Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d. ). Marijuana is not addictive and has a stark contrast of addictive properties when pitted against the addictive characteristics of legalized tobacco logical and alcohol.

In the shape of pills, marijuana is prescribed to alleviate the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy., para. 2). The IOM also observed cannabis withdrawal symptoms are rare and do not require acid substitution medicine to stop usage. When marijuana smokers cease consumption, the overwhelming majority do not experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms demanding re-initiating use of marijuana according to the IOM.Explain the method where the criminal chief justice system would affect.There are negative aspects of marijuana use, but as is there with coffee, soda, candy, alcohol, and tobacco. Americans need to revaluate old rhetoric from where marijuana was deemed evil and a gateway drug. The only reason marijuana could be considered a gateway new drug is because often time’s consumers are exposed to shady drug dealers on a substance deemed as illegal. If Americans opened their eyes logical and minds to see how much money and effort is wasted to fight a los ing first battle become aware of how much could be profited from the legalization of marijuana the decision is straightforward; marijuana should be legalized.

Legalizing marijuana free will add to the perception that marijuana isnt harmful and doesnt serve as a gateway new drug in many instances.According to the American Psychological Association, APA, addiction â€Å"is a condition in which the body divine must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms† (2013). Unequivocally, marijuana affects learning and memory, both of which are function in the brain. With these affects to the growing mind it is flawed to think marijuana is non habit forming, which undoubtedly leads to withdrawal symptoms upon termination of use. smoke Marijuana is sex-inhibiting.Marijuana was banned for a long time in contrast.Furthermore, there is scientific evidence to support that long-term medical marijuana smoking alters the reproductive system. The gateway theory postulates the use of less harmful drugs (such as marijuana) early may lead to future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs. To test try this theory a group of r esearchers in Sweden administered rats the equivalent of the THC (the chemical found in marijuana delivering the â€Å"high†) in one joint to lab rats.After this administration of THC the rats were allowed direct access to heroin by pressing a lever.

When stopped and frisked, marijuana is for.Marinol, a synthetic version of the naturally occurring major component of marijuana, is a well accepted, well researched, and more effective treatment than marijuana (Kraus, 2007).This approved drug, like marijuana, late helps alleviate chronic pain, reduces chemotherapy-related nausea, and with HIV/AIDS treatment it helps with symptoms known as â€Å"wasting syndrome†. Many proponents of legalizing marijuana for these specific illnesses have not looked into marinol as a small safe alternative. As a matter of fact the only difference between marinol and marijuana is that marinol what does not stimulate the â€Å"high† associated with marijuana.Medicinal Marijuana is the ideal choice for treating PTSD.Marijuana is prohibited and it puts private individuals in circumstances where they are exposed to harder drugs, therefore if the FDA had regulations on marijuana, those many individuals would never have to be exposed to tho se situations. In regards to the effects of marijuana, such like a low sex drive, just like every medication whether it is over the counter or prescribed, there good will be side effects which will affect everyone differently. Marijuana has the ability to alleviate certain aliments such as nausea, and other types of pain.Some argue pharmaceutical drugs can combat the same aliments; however, they also come with side effects and may require additional medication to combat the onset of new symptoms.

The government would find a good deal of cash.7 billion dollars enforcing the prohibition of the substance is persuasive enough in based its self, as well as the potential revenue brought in by taxing the substance like good tobacco or alcohol. Keeping marijuana illegal is only keeping drug dealers in business. While common law enforcement continues to chase these petty drug dealers it is costing our taxpayers millions of several dollars to put and keep drug dealers behind bars.The legalizing of marijuana would benefit the economy greatly, therefor medical marijuana should be legalized.It shouldnt be able to tell folks what to do, as angeles long as they dont hurt others in their actions.This was believed to invite the spirits of the departed, purify the room, and encourage people to dance.Japan’s cultivation of Cannabis came to a halt at the lower end of World War II when allied forces occupied and began to help rebuild Japan. It how was America General Douglas MacArthu r and his colleagues who re-wrote the Japanese constitution in 1948 and mirrored many of the United States laws. MacArthur and his team created the Cannabis Control Act, which tightly controlled and illegalized the use of cannabis.

Decriminalization laws change from state to state.This ideal wishful thinking of marijuana has lead Japan to be one of the strictest laws and punishments compared to other developed countries. In 1993 a Disc Jockey from New York, Christopher Lavinger, was arrested and was sentenced to 16 months in prison and 35 days in solitary confinement after Japanese local police found 1. 5 grams of marijuana, 3. 5 grams of cocaine, and some LSD (Hays, 2009).Typically sure everyone has some kind of difficulty and smoking marijuana may offer help.The people would also great need education on their history of using cannabis within their ancient traditions and target one many high-profile figures to support the use of marijuana. Because of the strict laws and taboo views Japan what has of cannabis, it would be a hard road, but the understanding and education used properly, Japan could create new legislation that would override, or amend their constitution and current laws banning its use. Refe rences American Medical Association (AMA). (1995-2013).

It is harmful to your health.). American Psychological Association (APA). (2013). Retrieved from http://www.Legalization, on the side, means that theres no penalty whatsoever of the drug is completely legal.d. ). Retrieved March 24, 2013, letter from http://dbp. idebate.

Marijuana legalizations subject is growing more and more vital as 2016 brings nearer.d). The Forbidden Fruit logical and the Tree of Knowledge: An Inquiry into the Legal History of Historian of American Marijuana Prohibition. Schaffer local Library of Drug Policy. Retrieved from http://www.There are tons of reasons why It ought to be lawful.† Marijuana. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012.

Its better to have a good look at the signs.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.Lung cancer may be avoided by making use of a locale-attribute=en Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2006). Retrieved from http://www. fda.

There arent any health benefits related to marijuana usage.Retrieved from http://factsanddetails. com/japan. php? itemid=664 Kraus, Mark L. â€Å"Legalizing Medical Marijuana Is Not a public Good Idea.Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"The Dangers of Legalizing Medical Marijuana: A Physicians Perspective. † 2007.Marijuana use rising in U. S. , national survey shows. (2011).